#DGA launches ‘Digital Saudi’ pavilion in conjunction with LEAP conference


#DGA launches 'Digital Saudi' pavilion in conjunction with LEAP conference

Thirty government agencies in #SaudiArabia participated in the Digital Government Authority’s LEAP Conference, taking place from Feb. 1 to 3, 2022, in Riyadh.

LEAP—organised by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT)— shared stories of success in #digitaltransformation and displays government #digitalservices that elevate the quality of life of individuals and businesses.

The event saw international participation from the Republic of Estonia and the Sultanate of Oman.

The signing of strategic agreements and launches of 15 new digital government products and services for more than 30 government agencies were done during LEAP.

#digitalsaudiarabia #esaudiarabia #digitalservices #digitalpublicservices

Source: https://saudigazette.com.sa/article/616488/SAUDI-ARABIA/DGA-launches-Digital-Saudi-pavilion-in-conjunction-with-LEAP-conference