Biden administration drafting an Executive Order to help U.S. Government secure #digitalsupplychain

20-May-21 Biden


Biden administration drafting an Executive Order to help U.S. Government secure #digitalsupplychain

This executive order will include several initiatives designed to strengthen the security of the United States’ digital supply chain.

Among those will be a new set of #digitalsecurity requirements for companies looking to do business with the federal government.

Anne Neuberger, deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technology at the White House, said in an interview that the federal government procurement sets some criteria for businesses that want to do business with the federal government.

That set of things could include a greater level of #transparency in how developers create their products and proof that developers are using security best practices such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and vulnerability management to harden their software.

Is this necessary in other countries also?

#digitalsupplychain #digitalsecurity #usgovernment