final-4 My Thought of the Day! Bringing Purpose to
Digital in Government
Today, I would like to share the definition for my
SMART STATE concept. I define SMART STATE as
a system that has the ability to constantly
identify/predict and understand needs of its
citizens before they have even figured these…
The Situation
The Situation
Digital has significantly changed our world, and a data explosion is accelerating and transforming it further
The Need
The Need
This requires us to go far beyond digitizing, and to reimagine a government for the Digital Era
The Answer
The Answer
A government model with citizen-centricity at its core, and built around a central capability of data & analytics

My Mission

I am on a mission to make governments truly citizen-centric so that every citizen can reach a state of contentment.

This can only happen if governments are able to predict the needs of citizens even before they themselves have figured these out, and by proactively designing and enabling every-day life experiences. And this requires taking a human-centric design approach and using to the max the capabilities that are unleashed by the power of data & analytics and digital technologies.

Governments need to become shapers, enablers and facilitators.

Every day, I help government entities take a step towards this by conceptualizing, writing and sharing ideas, and by blending conventional wisdom with leading-edge insights and leveraging digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things, Virtual & Augmented Reality and Robotics to design transformational programs that are groundbreaking, citizen-centric and enduring.

This not only means that citizens receive enhanced public services and have better life experiences, but it also increases the capacity of governments to deliver citizen promises in a more cost-effective way.


Making a difference in people’s lives

Enabling government to become citizen-centric

Using digital as an enabler with a clear purpose


My Thoughts And Views

SUNDAY, 05 JUNE 2022

How Public Agencies Can Transform Their Relationship With Data?

There’s no denying that technology has changed the world, and data has changed the way we do business in every industry.

But it’s also changing the way government serves its citizens.

With open data initiatives across the world, public agencies are engaging with their communities by helping make sense of the information that surrounds us all—and making it easier to find solutions to problems large and small.

This article describes how public agencies can transform their relationship with data and stay ahead of trends in technology and communication as open data programs continue to change our society as a whole.

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THURSDAY, 26 May 2022

The government's guide to future-proofing thir security operations

Governments around the world are always trying to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to security operations, and rightly so.

The consequences of being lax about security can be catastrophic.

State-backed attacks have become more commonplace, and cybercriminals are becoming bolder in the threats they make against public agencies’ data.

Governments have unique security needs: protecting sensitive information and critical assets is a 24/7, 365 days-a-year job.

Security solutions must be durable and flexible enough to meet their ever-changing complex needs that are continuously evolving.

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THURSDAY, 19 May 2022

Digital ID Wallet Pilots in Europe: How They Could Change the World

We’re only a few decades past when your “identity” was almost wholly based on your social security number and a fast-talking dealer (probably on the sidewalk in front of the office.)

Then we moved to an era where our driver’s license and credit card became keys to our identity.

There have been some interesting developments since, but they are largely behind the scenes. Until lately.

Fast forward almost 20 years, and billions of people worldwide have digital identities—for better or worse—and their futures are more intertwined with their online personas than ever before.

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THURSDAY, 12 May 2022

The Next Evolution Of Public Digital Identity In 2022: What We Need to Get Right

We’re only a few decades past when your “identity” was almost wholly based on your social security number and a fast-talking dealer (probably on the sidewalk in front of the office.)

Then we moved to an era where our driver’s license and credit card became keys to our identity.

There have been some interesting developments since, but they are largely behind the scenes. Until lately.

Fast forward almost 20 years, and billions of people worldwide have digital identities—for better or worse—and their futures are more intertwined with their online personas than ever before.

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THURSDAY, 05 May 2022

How the UAE is Setting the Tone for Digital Transformation in the Arab World?

The UAE, often referred to as the Silicon Valley of the Middle East due to its ambitious startups and number of technology companies, is becoming one of the first countries in the world to go fully digital.

It has always been one of the most rapidly growing economies in the Middle East, and it shows no signs of slowing down with the implementation of new technologies and business strategies by its public authorities.

In fact, UAE has been quick in adapting to digital transformation and adopting new technologies at breakneck speeds.

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The future of Digital ID: The UAE Pass app

With a population of over ten million people, the UAE is one of the most advanced nations on earth.

And with a high mobile phone and internet usage rate, it’s also set to soon become one of the world’s most digitally advanced.

Soon, every person in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and across the UAE will be able to register for government services using just their smartphone — the new UAE Pass app.

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How can the government make digital services more inclusive?

Digital services are an important part of the public sector, and central to solving real-world issues.

Not everyone has the same level of experience or access to technology, so it makes sense that digital services are designed to address a wide range of needs.

A key part of doing this is ensuring that they don’t have any hidden barriers based on unwanted inaccessibility.

Over the past two years – thanks to the pandemic-, governments have committed to improving digital inclusion and making sure that all citizens can use essential digital services.

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Cloud security: a key enabler for digital government

There are multiple ways in which cloud computing can play an important role in the digital transformation of the public sector and help governments deliver better services to citizens while saving taxpayer dollars.

But it also carries risks, particularly to user and government data and services that need to be protected from cyber-attacks.

The challenge of security in the cloud is how to create an environment that combines flexibility, scalability, speed and reliability with solid controls over who has access to government and user information, when they have access and what they can do with it.

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Trends that are driving public sector planning in 2022

As we look ahead to 2022, it’s clear that the public sector has been at the forefront of digital transformation.

The pandemic forced government organizations to accelerate their transition to remote work and rethink how they deliver services to citizens.

In response, agencies have been adopting new technologies and processes at a faster pace than ever before.

But, budgets are getting cut due to new waves of COVID-19 infections, supply-chain challenges and rising inflationary pressures.

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Providing public services in the Metaverse: What governments should know?

In the near future, government services could become available in virtual worlds such as the Metaverse, making it possible to perform tasks such as paying taxes and voting from inside VR/AR experiences.

That opens up new opportunities for governments to offer their services in an entirely new way, potentially totally changing how governments interact with their citizens and provide public services, and increasing transparency and efficiency while decreasing costs and complexity.

I see a future where all of us will be able to engage with governments in the Metaverse either directory or through our avatars to participate in a policy making, obtaining information and services from AI-enabled government virtual representatives that will provide a human-like experience to citizens or users.

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Can governments globally really regulate the cryptocurrency market?

Cryptocurrencies are new and have grown in popularity over the last years.

This increase over a short time span has also caught regulatory bodies off guard.

Most have yet to make statements about cryptocurrencies because of a lack of understanding.

Nonetheless, there is increasing pressure from regulators to introduce various degrees of regulation on cryptocurrencies – from total bans to monitoring with no restrictions.

Because of this, there’s an ongoing debate over whether or not governments can effectively regulate the cryptocurrency market.

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UNDP's digital strategy helps govs build digital societies

Digital societies are built on access, trust and use. This means developing a digital strategy and regulations that enable affordable and reliable access and provide a secure and trusted online environment.

Keep in mind that this should ensure that everyone has the necessary skills to fully participate in the digital society.

A digital society is one where digital technologies and their applications are fully and productively integrated into everyday life.

Achieving this requires more than simply acquiring devices or connecting to the Internet.

It requires the development of an appropriate ecosystem of infrastructure, legislation, policies, capacity development and financing.

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Five myths about digital economy debunked

Barely has the dust settled on the second wave of digital innovation, and now the third wave has begun – with even greater potential to change society forever.

The Internet of Things, blockchain technology, robotics and artificial intelligence are just some of the buzzwords currently making headlines in tech news – and they’re all part of our burgeoning digital economy.

But before we dive headfirst into this new world, let’s take a moment to debunk five myths about the digital economy that are putting governments and organisations behind the curve.

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How could digital governments rethink their budgeting in 2022?

In the age of digitalization, public administrations should rethink how they spend money and what to expect from their budgetary process in the future.

Governments are no longer just managing people, buildings, processes and services, but now are managing huge amounts of data and digital assets. And very often, digital government initiatives fail because the leaders do not fully understand digital ways of working.

This article provides some tips on rethinking the budgeting process and improving digital government performance in 2022.

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Public Services and Digital Government during the Pandemic in Latin America

Digital public services are critical in 2022 and have been for the last few years. Customers’ expectations of digital services have grown as the private sector has increasingly adopted new technologies and offered faster, more convenient ways of doing business.

This was already true before the pandemic, but Covid-19 has greatly increased people’s expectations of government services being offered digitally.

Our world is increasingly becoming digital, and the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged people to communicate digitally more frequently than before. This is happening through video chats, online shopping, and the creation of virtual family gatherings and in many other ways.

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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) National Digital Government Strategy 2025

This ambitious plan aims to transform the entire government into a digital institution. The goal is to provide citizens, residents, and visitors with smart services that are delivered in a simple and efficient manner.

To achieve this, the UAE is taking a customer-centric approach that focuses on creating a digital experience that is based on user needs and expectations.

The UAE has established itself as a digital pioneer in the Gulf region and worldwide. Adopting technology has allowed it to deliver efficient and streamlined government services to all parts of society: from citizens to business owners, from students to patients.

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Digital identity trends that will shape digital governments in 2022

Lately, digital identity is looking drastically different from how it used to just a few years ago. Businesses, consumers, and citizens alike demand digital identities that are secure and flexible without sacrificing ease of use or data privacy.

As our world grows more digital, challenges in traditional identity solutions become apparent, driving everyone to seek out new ways to create, manage, and secure their digital identities in the future.

Digital identity continues to be a hot topic in the digital world, and it’s only going to become more relevant as we progress into 2022.

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How can 'digital governments' contribute to sustainability?

In recent years, the development of digital technology has been increasingly embraced by government agencies in an effort to improve their operations and become more transparent with the public.

The environmental crisis and the worldwide drive towards sustainability are two of the most discussed topics on both a local and global level at the moment.

However, governments have often been slow to respond to these problems with sufficient measures and political will to facilitate positive change on this scale.

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Digital Health Startups you should keep an eye out in 2022

Digital health startups have played an important role in revolutionizing healthcare over the past decade, and it’s expected that this trend will continue into the next years as well.

And since digital health is a relatively new industry, there are still plenty of digital health startups being funded or created regularly.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, which sharply increased the need for digital health tools to be used, consumers’ adoption of digital health had been steadily growing.

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Shifting to full digital education in 2022

Digital education is the new norm in modern school systems, and all this happened (largely) due to the pandemic.

Many schools were forced to shift to online curriculum, online tests, and complete computer integration into their classrooms.

Projections show the e-learning market worldwide will surpass 243 billion U.S. dollars by the end of this year.

But it isn’t all work and no play. Little by little digital transformation has become a necessity in education even after all this pandemic ordeal is over.

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Digital Health Predictions for 2022!

If you haven’t heard it before, there is a ton of buzz about digital health and its impact on technology, the medical sector, and even the way we live our day-to-day lives.

While many are focusing on what digital health can do for the future, I am often surprised by how quickly the developments in digital health are happening today. An interesting fact is that the digital health industry will reach nearly $650 billion by 2026.

The days of taking a one-size-fits-all approach to implement digital health strategies are disappearing as organizations take an adaptive approach to developing a customized solution that will have real value to their organizations.

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Digital Government in 2022: Predictions!

The past decade has brought both incredible advances, and also unbelievable challenges.

We have seen the explosion of social media, the rise of e-commerce, and the development of a global commerce network, unlike anything we have seen before, while for the last two years or so we have been struggling with Covid-19.

Trying to predict what will happen in the next ten years is a fool’s errand (if nothing else because technology moves so fast), but despite this difficulty, I am going to have a go in making some predictions about digital government in 2022 based on some significant trends that are already changing how we interact with our governments.

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Digital Greece remains behind the EU average despite its initiatives

Greece was one of the first countries in Europe to initiate large-scale digital transformation efforts and has been doing so for several years.

However, according to recent data by the European Commission, Greece remains ranked behind other EU countries regarding connectivity infrastructures as well as digital skills.

According to the EGDI Index, Greece has dropped in ranking among the 193 countries from its 35th place rank in 2018 to the 45th place rank in 2020.

This doesn’t mean that there have not been any achievements. On the digitalisation of public services, in 2020, Greece scored above the EU average in the number of e-government users, while it far exceeds the EU average in open data readiness.

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Panama: on its way to becoming a Digital Hub

Panama has been making significant progress towards becoming a Digital Hub in the last few years. It has established itself as an excellent gateway to Latin America and the rest of the world.

According to the World Bank and the World Economic Forum, Panama ranks second place in terms of ease of doing business in Latin America and 86th worldwide, thanks to its forward-looking government and its successful efforts towards digital transformation.

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Digital Colombia: Toward a citizen-driven public sector

The world has come to expect that people can easily access government-related services from the comfort of their homes, whether that’s through their laptops or phones.

This new digital trend—known as digital government—has revolutionised the way governments and citizens interact with each other, especially when it comes to administrative processes such as applying for permits, taxes, and voting in elections.

For much of the last two decades, the Colombian government has been looking for ways to increase transparency and public participation in a way that can be easily scaled at a low cost.

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Challenges and prospects of Digital Government in Poland

Electronic governance, also known as e-government, means that public services are provided to citizens and businesses using digital technologies (Internet, e-mail, mobile apps, etc.). The advantages of e-governance include the possibility of faster service delivery and reducing costs incurred by citizens.

However, these benefits must be weighed against the challenges posed by the current state of e-governance in Poland and its development prospects in the near future.

In this article, I provide an overview of Poland’s journey in leveraging technology in government, which may be helpful to anyone interested in e-governance.

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Slovenia is committed to building a digital economy and society

Slovenia has become a leader in digital technologies, with some of the fastest internet speeds in Europe. As one of the most connected countries globally, Slovenia is working hard to support its economy through digitalisation. For example, many companies have moved their business-to-business transactions to Slovenian platforms.

The Slovenian government has invested heavily in e-government services and digital infrastructure to ensure the country’s digital economy and society remain competitive.

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Digital government in Chile: Towards People-Driven Approaches

E-government has massively advanced in Chile in recent years. Chile is not a leader in the region; however, it is in the top three countries in South America, behind Uruguay and Argentina, according to the EDGI Index 2020.  Its achievements in digital government have helped the country better manage and maintain its bureaucracy and administrative procedures while expanding access to information and contributing to governmental transparency and accountability. The country has invested in digital infrastructure and ramping up government-related online services to make them more convenient, transparent, accessible, and accountable.

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Mexico: evolving from e-government to digital government

In recent years, Russia has been working hard to become a world leader in digital government, and it’s well on its way to doing so.

What makes the country so uniquely suited to adapt its own style of digital government?

Well, take a look at how it’s handled this year’s presidential election, where citizens were able to cast their votes from their phones. Even though it cannot compare to Estonia (which has implemented online voting on a large scale), it’s a great start, even though transparency remains a significant issue.

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Digital government in Russia: competing in the digital age

In recent years, Russia has been working hard to become a world leader in digital government, and it’s well on its way to doing so.

What makes the country so uniquely suited to adapt its own style of digital government?

Well, take a look at how it’s handled this year’s presidential election, where citizens were able to cast their votes from their phones. Even though it cannot compare to Estonia (which has implemented online voting on a large scale), it’s a great start, even though transparency remains a significant issue.

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E-government in Pakistan: Closing the connectivity gap

Like in most other countries around the world, E-government in Pakistan has its roots deeply embedded in the public sector reforms of the 1990s. While there has been significant progress since then, it’s clear that e-government in Pakistan still has a long way to go to truly deliver on its potential. Why? The underlying infrastructure doesn’t exist, and most of the digital services offered by the government are needlessly complex and difficult to use. Whether you’re a citizen, a businessperson, or an IT consultant in Pakistan, it’s hard to deny that the government needs to step up its digital efforts in order to make better use of the resources at its disposal and improve the services it provides to the public.

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e-Rwanda: one of the beacons of digital governments in Africa

As Africa continues to modernise, more governments realise the digital technology’s potential to improve administrative efficiency and transparency. While many parts of the continent still rely on paper-based systems that are expensive, slow, and difficult to access, Rwanda stands out as one of the beacons of digital government in Africa today.

Thanks to an ambitious plan launched by President Paul Kagame back in 2012, this small East African country has become one of the world’s fastest adopters of technology—a pioneer in digital transformation, e-governance, and e-democracy.

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e-South Sudan: The Battle to Connect a Country

In 2011, South Sudan became the world’s newest nation after a referendum was held on its independence from Sudan. Although the vote was largely peaceful, South Sudan still struggles with many of the same problems that plague other new countries, including poor infrastructure and political instability. Following the peace agreement that ended its long civil war, South Sudan attempted to transform itself into a functioning democracy with an effective central government and connected citizens.

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Did France go from being a digital leader to lagger?

French President Emmanuel Macron did not waste any time tackling the French government’s digital transformation after his election on May 7th, 2017. This transformation is to make all of France’s administrative procedures digital by 2022, affects all departments and many different aspects of people’s daily lives. The Digital Government in France became a hot topic. From the release of the digital roadmap to the large investment made in digital government innovation, the government was clearly serious about using technology to improve its efficiency and provide better services to French citizens. But according to a report from the UN, France currently ranks only 15th out of the 28 countries of the European Union (EU) in terms of integration of digital technology. Moreover, it ranks 19th among 193 countries of the world (from being 9th in 2018!), which raises several questions about this digital transformation of France’s government!

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Is Spain shaping Europe's digital future?

Spain, one of the Eurozone’s most vulnerable economies, is one of the most digitally advanced countries in Europe and may soon see one of its cities become the continent’s most connected urban centre. The rise of Spain’s Digital Economy can be traced back to the Spanish government’s decision to put digital technology at the centre of its economy and society in 2013. While it may not have been an easy start, it has managed to set lofty targets that have been achieved and exceeded thanks to a robust public-private partnership model.

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Is Digital Italy moving in slow-motion?

Digital Government in Italy has been a big topic of discussion over the past few years, and it’s clear that we’re starting to see the results of the government’s work to improve productivity and boost the economy through technology. However, there’s still work to be done. While the country has been embracing digital government and technology on multiple levels, it has fallen behind considerably. However, this situation may be changing with the appointment of Mario Draghi as Italy’s Prime Minister.

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The Digital Government of Bangladesh: A Step Closer to a Better Tomorrow

Digital Bangladesh has been a buzzword in Bangladesh ever since Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina first coined the phrase. While government officials have been promising Digital Bangladesh since 2010, the country’s digital infrastructure has hardly improved during this time frame. But what exactly does Digital Bangladesh entail? What are the objectives of Digital Bangladesh? And why can Digital Bangladesh save Bangladesh from facing technological disaster?

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The Digital Government of Egypt: A New Era for the Egyptian People

Digital government has become one of the buzzwords in the world, as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) continue to develop faster than ever before. According to different reports, over half of the MENA countries surveyed now have digital government initiatives in place, but there are still huge differences between them. Some, like Egypt, are rapidly moving forward with adoption; others are only taking baby steps towards modernisation if they’re doing anything at all. However, the different initiatives from the Egyptian government are being hailed as progressive steps forward for the country and the region at large.

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The e-Government in Jordan: Progress, Problems and Way Forward

While over the last decade, numerous initiatives have been introduced to develop and enhance Jordan’s e-Government, results indicate that there’s still room for improvement in effectiveness and efficiency. In this article, I will explore the progress, problems, and way forward for e-government in Jordan.

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The Digital Government of New Zealand: Striving for Efficiency and Innovation

In New Zealand, the term digital government can mean several different things. At its core, it’s about government functioning in the digital age, from accepting online payments to streamlining communication to staying connected with their citizens through social media and other means of communication that didn’t exist a decade or more ago.

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Fast and agile digital transformation is essential for Japan's economic future

Japan may be known for its bullet trains, but the country’s tech scene is quickly catching up to the rest of the world. In recent years, there has been a digital transformation in Japan — and it’s only just begun. With a population of nearly 127 million and one of the world’s largest economies by GDP, Japan is now looking to technology to improve lives and government services. The Japanese government has been working on putting digital technology directly into the hands of citizens. This will allow them to communicate with each other and the government in a seamless and integrated way. How will this digital transformation work? What’s at stake? And what makes Japan such an interesting country for digital innovation?

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The Netherlands is in the top 10 for e-government

The Kingdom of The Netherlands ranked in the 10th position in the 2020 UN E-Government Development Index (EGDI) out of the 193 UN Member States and was one of five European countries in the top 10.

The Netherlands average EGDI value reached high levels during two years, from 2018-2020, with a national development strategy incorporating Sustainable Development Goals objectives.

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Digital Government in the UAE: The Future of Governance in the Middle East and Beyond

The United Arab Emirates is home to approximately 10 million people, with millions of tourists visiting the country every year. With a thriving economy and rapidly growing population, the UAE government knows that in order to succeed, it needs to leverage digital technology wherever possible. To do so, it has focused on different digital initiatives with the goal of transforming the citizen experience through technology.

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Is the UK still a digital powerhouse?

For many years, “digital government” was the punchline to a joke that wasn’t really funny. People who were trying to deal with government departments used their phones or sent letters rather than experience the trouble of going online. But as technology progressed, governments are using different tools to make the interaction faster, more efficient, and intuitive.

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Australia - one of the world’s most digitally capable governments

Australia has been an early leader in the digitalisation of government services, quickly building an international reputation as an early leader in this area from the ’80s. Although it hasn’t been smooth sailing initially, but overcame these early setbacks through various policies and initiatives and succeeded in its government digital transformation journey that resulted in them being ranked 5th out of 193 countries in the UN e-Government Development Index in 2020.

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Finland: A global pioneer and front-runner in digital government

Our world today is driven by data, and governments are no exception. The Covid-19 pandemic showed how necessary and crucial digital transformation is and that public agencies need data to deliver services efficiently. Only a robust digital infrastructure can provide the tools governments need to meet their citizen’s demands and support more agile and anticipatory decisions. If I had to pick positive outcomes from this global crisis, then the acceleration of digital transformation would be at the top of my list. We are living in exciting times, where the digital economy promises so much to so many. It enables speeding up the development of innovative responses to local economic and societal challenges.

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South Korea: The leading e-government country in Asia

Digitalisation is undeniably crucial in our modern world, particularly as the private sector has adapted to the past year’s disruption caused by the pandemic. Many different innovative breakthrough services were introduced, such as IoT (Internet of Things), cloud services, or eCommerce. However, all this development increases the pressure that governments have to face now from their citizens because it is expected of them to take a more proactive role in offering public services inclusively and efficiently.

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Denmark: The top e-government

Denmark leads the 2020 ranking of the 193 UN Member states in terms of digital government, followed by The Republic of Korea and Estonia, completing the top three. From being in the 9th position in 2016, Denmark eventually had a massive development that led to it becoming the number 1 in the world for digital public services.

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E-Germany: is it the “sleeping beauty” of EU?

Our modern society is subject to underlying processes of change at an accelerating pace, creating many new challenges for all governance systems worldwide, including that of the Federal Republic of Germany. So what is the factor that is changing the rules? Digitisation, of course. It is causing enormous shifts in business and society, cooperation, consumption, and communication. And whoever is the fastest when it comes to digitalisation, and able to quickly set new standards will be end up winning the digital race and being the most successful.

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Serbia, the sleeping Digital Transformation Giant

The fast pace of technological change poses a new set of challenges for countries worldwide. It is no longer sufficient to send computers to schools or manage data exchange between institutions. Government must consider broader trends influenced by the global technological shifts such as the changes in communication, the emergence of new payment services, the transition of services into the cloud, advances in big data, etc. Moreover, it’s essential to ensure adequate capacities that can effectively leverage new technologies for digital transformation. Serbia is one of those countries that has digital transformation high on its government’s agenda.

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What is the future of Digital Health?

When it comes to public health and supply chains, COVID-19 not only exposed many weaknesses amongst other things but also accelerated change towards a “new normal”. Due to the pandemic, many healthcare providers and patients were forced to find new and innovative ways to deliver or receive services. However, the pandemic is not the only force challenging long-term industry structures. Advances in technology and data and the evolving regulatory landscape have made the historically slow-moving healthcare industry interested in the fast adoption of innovation.

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Europe’s strategy for AI and data governance will boost digital transformation

Governments worldwide have been struggling for some time now to become truly digital, despite its well-known benefits and efficiencies. This is the same case with European countries, where the digital transformation of services offered was somewhat accelerated due to the pandemic; however, it still has a long way to go. But with the new legal framework for AI and data proposed on 21st April 2021, it is expected that governments will finally be able to accelerate the pace of change.

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FRIDAY, 04 JUNE 2021

The significant potential of digital ID

Technology is moving forward at a fast rhythm, providing things we would never imagine decades ago. Humanity is continually using technology to improve its life significantly. In a particular perspective, technology looks like the nearest form of magic for humans. Imagine a 20 years old boy who would say to Odysseus that he can call Penelope and tell her that he is coming home, but the journey will be long.

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eDemocracy: an emerging force for change

E-democracy is the use of ICT (information and communication technologies) to enhance and, in some accounts, replace representative democracy. Many theorists of e-democracy agree that some of the traditional limits to citizenship in contemporary liberal-democratic policies, such as problems of scale, scarcity of time, and lack of opportunities for policy deliberation, can be overcome by new forms of online communication.

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Singapore's digital government successful journey: key lessons

Singapore has embraced digital transformation as a crucial engine of the economy and society. The early efforts of the government in the 1980s made Singapore one of the world’s most connected countries.

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SUNDAY, 16 MAY 2021

What made the UK digital government transformation journey a successful story?

For some time now, the public and private sectors have been working to enhance their products and services. It has been a challenging battle for many CTOs to ensure they can deliver a digital transformation program that adds real value to both the business and its clients.

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THURSDAY, 6 May 2021

Digital Transformation in Estonia: What other countries can learn?

With a population of around 1.3 million, Estonia ranks among the most digitally advanced countries in the world. According to Freedom House, this country also enjoys one of the most significant economic, press, and Internet freedoms globally.

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Why do governments need to be tougher on data privacy?

Governments worldwide are taking unprecedented measures to track and contain the spread of the Covid-19 and use data to provide digital solutions. Of particular importance to an efficient front-line response is data about the spread of the virus, like the location and number of new confirmed cases, rates of recoveries and deaths, and the source of new cases.

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The United Arab Emirates launches a facial ID app for citizens to get government services.

The United Arab Emirates has launched a biometric facial and fingerprint recognition technology to build its citizens’ first secure digital national identity project. Using the face print technology facilitates the registration process in the digital identification app – UAE Pass – so citizens and businesses don’t need to visit government centers to get the services they need.

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Digital transformation can make countries more resilient to overcome crises.

The systemic shock caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has hastened the already rapid pace of digital transformation. Digital technologies have allowed many countries to avoid a complete standstill in recent months, as billions of people have had to study or work from home. Hence, some countries have seen up to a 60% increase in Internet traffic since the beginning of the crisis. However, not all countries were digitally ready for such a challenge.

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How is technology changing healthcare?

The Healthcare industry is changing in front of our eyes with advances in digital healthcare technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), VR, AR, 3D-printing, or nanotechnology. Healthcare’s future lies in working hand-in-hand with technology, and healthcare workers have to embrace developing healthcare technologies to stay relevant in the upcoming years. What are these technologies?

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Why should governments look to IT automation now and in the future?

In today’s digital society, where we buy products and services and pay our bills online, I have always been surprised to find that many local governments still rely on paper filing. IT automation offers private and public sector organizations a way to streamline their operations. Governments that are now looking to generate new revenue don’t have to turn to layoffs or increase taxes. Instead, they should consider streamlining their operations through automated processes.

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Digital Government In 2021: What we have learned from the past, and what will happen in the future?

There’s probably no government on the planet that has still fully realized the value and potential of digital. The need to make services more efficient and grow the economy has made digital transformation a priority for many governments. But despite the need and the ambitions of many countries, holistic reform is not always easy.

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Digital Government future

For many governments, the digital transformation journey began well over a decade ago: from the earliest websites that aimed to give information to the online services for transactions such as benefits, tax, and licensing; to the latest initiatives that aim to provide citizens with personalized digital experiences.

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Embracing digital to accelerate change

Recently, EY launched a report titled: ‘Embracing digital: Is COVID-19 the catalyst for lasting change?’ The report investigates how providers were using digital solutions to respond to the crisis; what benefits have flowed from these new ways of working; and how digital is likely to alter service delivery in the future.

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Digital4Development starts the digital cooperation with Africa.

In December 2020, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen officially launched the Digital4Development (D4D) Hub in the presence of representatives from the five Hub-founding EU Member States under the German EU Council Presidency.

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Better data insights, better delivery models, and a better customer experience

Digitizing public services is, at the moment, a necessity for many governments worldwide. Through digitization, governments will have a growing effect on businesses, enhance citizen engagement, and push for economic growth. During the last ten years, more countries have progressively begun to provide digital services to their citizens.

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GovTech startups for Covid-19 impact and post-pandemic potential

I have for a while now been talking about the need for governments to reimagine their operating model for the digital era rather than focusing on digitization or digital government.

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How can governments use data for better decision making?

Every day, professionals in the public sector make complex policy decisions that affect citizens, such as improving service delivery, allocating budget, and responding to crises. Increasingly, they use insights from massive amounts of data—collected initially by governments for reporting purposes—to make strategic decisions.

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UAE's healthcare sector needs to stick with digital even after COVID-19

Harnessing digital healthcare technologies and data tools has served not only to innovate incredible COVID-19 solutions, but expedite the adoption of Fourth Industrial Revolution solutions in the UAE.

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World Economic Forum: Delivering the Reskilling Revolution

One of the topics discussed at the World Economic Forum was related to the urgency of reskilling and the future of work, and as this is such an important and critical topic I decided to share a summary of these discussions through this article.

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Digital Transformation trends and the best practices in the public sector worldwide

It’s no secret — technology is the driving force in every corner of our world, transforming everything and changing lives. And it’s critical that governments embrace these technological driving forces that we find all around us today, but by taking a purpose-led approach, and with the primary purpose of harnessing the potential of these technologies for the benefit of citizens.of the most significant barriers to the implementation of digital technology

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EY: UAE health care providers plan to significantly advance use of digital technology and data solutions

86% of UAE respondents believe that the use of digital technologies and data solutions has led to increased staff productivity
40% of UAE respondents highlighted ethics and privacy issues as one of the most significant barriers to the implementation of digital technology

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How can governments better use innovation?

Nowadays, innovation is of grave importance for governments and public service organizations worldwide. Technological, social, political, and environmental factors are combined; thus, the change should be like a domino effect and react with all of them.

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Exploring Smart Government – a case study of “My First Salary” in Serbia

The future is of a SMART GOVERNMENT model, and to achieve this governments need to shift their approach from a technology first mindset to an experience first mindset. This case study shows how the Serbian government is moving in this direction.

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Digital Marketplaces – a concept that is helping governments reimagine the procurement model!

The changes and expectations of the Digital Era we are living in required governments to re-imagine the procurement operating model, as the conventional procurement processes are not fit for this new reality in which being able to work in a fast paced and agile way has become a necessity, and a ”must have” and not just a “good to have” requirement. This mismatch between the new digital front end and old supporting processes like procurement is creating lots of stresses to the government operating model.

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Fourth Generation of e-Government

Exploration of the ‘DigiGov’ project set up by Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EU) to explore how innovation in the public sector, enabled by digital technologies, can help transform governance systems while enabling governments to address systemic problems more effectively, and my vision of the future government model I believe is apt for this Digital Era that I call “SMART” Government

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Demystifying the UN’s E-Government Development Index

A whistle stop tour of EGDI 2020 to see how governments are and can benefit from this incredible asset, and some food for thought that UN DESA may wish to consider for future versions …

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Digital is great but exclusion isn’t – make data work for driving better digital inclusion

Whilst on the one hand digital is helping governments improve citizen engagement and experiences, drive efficiencies and to come up with innovative solutions to societal challenges it at the same time due to factors such unequal access and lack of digital literacy threatens to magnify already existing inequalities around the world.

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HBR & MITTR Arabia Webinar Report: Gov. in the Digital Era

The report focuses on the what was presented and shared by the panel members in the HBR Arabia and MIT Technology Review Arabia webinar on government in the digital era.

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COVID-19 Effect on Digital government “Now”, “Next” and Beyond”

We have seen during the COVID19 crises how being driven by a clear purpose can even energize government organizations that are considered to be the most bureaucratic and slow into fast, agile and flexible organizations.

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Digital governments through the lens of COVID-19 pandemic

One of the key lessons learnt during the COVID 19 crisis is that countries which had embarked on their digital transformation journey 5-10 years back saw their investments pay off during this crisis.

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MONDAY, 15 JUNE 2020

Five lessons for digital government transformation learnt from the COVID-19 crisis

In just a few months the coronavirus has changed the way the whole world operates and has also impacted governments, and I believe digital is no longer something “GOOD to have” but a “MUST have” for a modern government.

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SUNDAY, 10 MAY 2020

A holistic view of digital government

If we truly want to unlock the full potential of advancements in technologies to enable governments to serve their purpose, we must adopt a holistic approach to digitization of the government

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Taking a purpose-led approach to digital investments can enable governments to deliver better results, operations and customer experience

Governments must ground their digital investment decisions in a robust purpose that acts as the guiding beacon for the leadership toward delivery of meaningful and tangible outcomes for its nation.

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Bringing purpose to blockchain in government

While countries continue to remain divided on the fate of cryptocurrencies, blockchain or its more generic version – the distributed ledger technology (DLT) has positioned itself as a key emerging technology that can bring significant changes into how digital is used by governments and enterprises.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is levelling the playing field in delivering better citizen experience

One of the primary ways for me to influence and interact with the government while growing up was to wait for elections or listen to a minister’s speech. The chances of my voice being heard by the government was extremely slim, to say the least.

If you were to tell the 20-year old version of me that it is possible to interact with your government at anytime and influence policies and decisions, I would have probably laughed at you and thought of you as a sci-fi nerd.

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How digital is changing the way we listen to citizens and customers

Governments must use digital to its fullest potential across the entire customer experience management value chain, and enable citizens to give feedback and help organizations proactively listen to customers.

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Digital can help governments to drive CUSTOMER EXCELLENCE

Increasing consumerism and vocal citizenry is driving governments to focus on customer experience and digital technologies are enabling governments to give citizens more control and empowerment.

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Digital can help governments to drive OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE if these investments are purpose-led!

Digital can enable operational efficiencies and effectiveness through shared and consolidated platforms, assets, frameworks, standards and open source and cloud technologies.

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Digital can help governments deliver better RESULTS if these investments are purpose-led

Digital is playing an important role by acting as an enabler to build systems and tools to deploy, track and monitor strategic goals and KPIs that in turn is helping governments deliver better outcomes.

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Want To Make Citizens Happy then Put Experience First

Governments must look at citizen experience from a broader perspective, and leverage the full power of digital and disruptive technologies, such as digital services and channels, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and virtual and augmented reality.

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