To get digital services right, the government needs to stay crisis-ready

To Get Digital 5-may-21


To get digital services right, the government needs to stay crisis-ready

One of the questions that US Digital Response mostly gets nowadays is: “What should we be doing now to improve our #digitalservice delivery over the next decade?”

The answer they give resonates so well with what I think. “Stay in crisis mode just a little while longer.”

Getting digital service delivery right goes beyond buying the ideal vendors’ ideal checklist or upgrading a system from one language to another.

It is a way of working – one where governments can use #technology to respond to the needs of their community at the speed that they arise.

So, when a government starts planning its digital service investments, it’s best not to give up on the strategies that carried them through 2020 and into 2021.

Do you agree?

Source: Jessica Cole article at StateScoop

#digitalservices #digitalserviceinvestments #digitalgovernment #USdigitalresponse

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