The #Indiangovernment is finalising its “Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture” (IDEA) framework


The #Indiangovernment is finalising its "Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture" (IDEA) framework

This Ecosystem will help the government effectively plan towards increasing farmers’ income and improve the efficiency of the entire sector as a whole.

It aims to create a national database of farmers and bring out a data policy. In a written reply, Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said, “The government aims to create a federated National Farmers Database.

The digitised land records will be used as data attributes for creating it. To bring dynamism to the farmer’s database, the linkage with digital land record management system is essential.”

The #IDEA helps in laying down the architecture for the Agri-stack in the country, serving as the foundation to build innovative agri-focused solutions by leveraging emerging technologies.

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