Singapore wants to be an e-commerce hub as Asia’s #digitaleconomy grows


Singapore wants to be an e-commerce hub as Asia's #digitaleconomy grows

According to a report conducted by Google and Bain & Company, the country’s e-commerce industry is set to be valued at US$22 billion by 2025. #Singapore has a lot of potential to become an e-commerce leader.

The Minister of Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing has lately introduced the strategy that aims to make this vision reality– transforming the country into a regional and global e-commerce hub.

“The borderless world of e-commerce presents new opportunities that are up for grabs by all who are willing to try. #technology is neutral, and those that can master it faster and better, win,” said the minister in a speech at Amazon’s Southeast Asia Online Seller Summit.

#digitaleconomy #ir #digital #artificialintelligence #technology #machinelearning #ai #bigdata #deeplearning #singapore #esingapore #ecommerce #egov #egovs
