Only 50% of the West Australia government have met the benchmark in #informationsecurity
Only 50% of the West Australia government have met the benchmark in #informationsecurity
The auditor-general of Western Australia has found that different applications used by state government entities contain control weaknesses, mostly around poor information security and policies and procedures.
All these weaknesses can significantly compromise the integrity and availability of information systems, and the entities should act promptly to resolve them.
The report takes into consideration:
• The businesses objectives of the entity
• The level that the entity dependents on IT
• The technological sophistication of its computer systems
• The value of information that the entity manages.
This year there were found 553 GCC issues to the 59 audited entities compared to 522 issues at 50 entities last year. However, information security remains the most significant area of concern because there has been a drop of 7% from last year.
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