Digi 7


#SaudiArabia ranks 2nd among #G20 countries regarding #digitalcompetitiveness

This is the conclusion from the Digital Competitiveness Report 2021 issued by the European Center for Digital Competitiveness.

This report is based on data issued by the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, and the International Telecommunication Union.

In a bid to further improve #digitalperformance, on June 30, DGA (the Kingdom’s Digital Government Authority) approved the first regulatory framework of the #digitalgovernment.

Moreover, it has instructed all #governmentagencies to improve their platforms and websites to better serve the public and ensure reliable and efficient #digitalservices.

#esaudi #digitalsaudi #digitalservices #digitalpublicservices #digitalgovernment #digitalgovernments

Source: https://www.arabnews.com/node/1922916/business-economy