Costa Rica: Cyber Attack Attempts in 2022


Costa Rica: Cyber Attack Attempts in 2022

In 2022, Costa Rica Received More Than 2 Billion Cyber Attack Attempts. 65% of the attacks are aimed at an economic incentive; 30% affect the reputation of companies, and 5% espionage actions.

The increase in volume, sophistication, and effectiveness of cyberthreats has been notable, which is why organizations in Costa Rica must be better prepared with a comprehensive and automated security approach to prevent, detect, and mitigate these risks that are putting integrity at stake.

Repairing the damage is 20 times more expensive than making an investment to protect the data. It is not like an Excel table… It is information that is in the cloud, so valuable that it is now known as the new oil; For this reason, governments must understand that it is not an expense, it is an investment to take important measures to secure data.


#data #investment #cloud #cyberattack