Digi 13


Digital society's lifeblood is data

Government data is a valuable resource that can help drive innovation, improve decision making and inform citizens.

How the government manages this data – from the collection to usage and transparency – will play a crucial role in defining #digitalgovernment.

After all, #datamanagement is a critical element of any competitive #digitaleconomy. The movement to make data freely available and accessible to all citizens and businesses has taken its place as a crucial element of global #governmentpolicy.

However, it is not without challenges and barriers such as fragmentation, silos, hard-to-process formats, no transparency, etc.

Unfortunately, according to #McKinsey, only a handful of countries have taken significant steps toward addressing these barriers so they can create interoperable and connected #governmentdata platforms.

#digitalgovernment #digitalgov #digitalgovs #digitalgovernments #digitalgovernmentpolicy #digitaleconomy #digitalsociety

Source: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/public-and-social-sector/our-insights/government-data-management-for-the-digital-age