UK Government plans to up skill the resources in data science
UK Government plans to up skill the resources in data science
An Evidence House data science initiative has been launched by UK government’s cabinet secretary. Simon Case is one of the top civil servants in the UK government. With his efforts, he has helped launch a new government programme that aims to radically up skill civil servants in data science and analysis through a combination of formal learning and hands-on policy delivery.
The Evidence House initiative has been founded by Laura Gilbert, the director of the UK prime minister’s data science team, with the aim of crowdsourcing solutions to hard-to-solve problems in government, while also boosting the government’s data science and analysis skills.
The project will be based in Admiralty House and as well as the Downing Street data science team, it also includes volunteers from the Evaluation Task Force, the ONS Data Science Campus and the Modernisation and Reform Unit amongst others.