What can governments do to enhance the e-commerce sector in their countries?
What can governments do to enhance the e-commerce sector in their countries?
The pandemic led to more online sales, increasing #ecommerce share of #globalretailtrade from 14% in 2019 to about 17% in 2020.
These findings are showcased in a new report, Covid-19 and E-Commerce: A Global Review, by UNCTAD and eTrade.
The report states that the trend towards e-commerce uptake seen in 2020 is likely to be sustained during recovery.
But in many of the world’s #leastdeveloped #countries, consumers and businesses haven’t capitalized on e-commerce opportunities due to persistent barriers.
These barriers include costly broadband services, lack of consumers’ trust, overreliance on cash, #governments‘ limited attention to e-commerce, and poor digital skills among the population.
“Countries that harness the potential of e-commerce will be better placed to benefit from global markets for their goods and services in this digitalizing economy. While those that fail to do so risk falling behind even further,” said Shamika N. Sirimanne, UNCTAD’s technology, and logistics director.
So, what can governments do to enhance the e-commerce sector in their countries?
Source: @Shamika N. Sirimanne report at @unctad