Digital Government and Emerging Technology Spotlights


Here's how the city of #Austin has gone more #digital lately

The capital city of #Texas has adopted several technologies to help its local#government and education institutions embrace #digitaltransformation.

As has been the case worldwide, the #pandemic caused a significant shift in how #publicservices were delivered and the agencies were indeed found unprepared.

According to Mark Caraway, Information Systems Division Manager. “Changing the way the government communicates and interacts with citizens has been a key component of Austin’s digital service transformation.”

One significant step in the #digitalefforts was selecting #CityBase in September 2020, a cloud-based platform. It not only simplifies payment processes but also improves citizen experience, saves costs and streamlines workflow.

#digitalisation #digitalization #egovernments #digitizing #digitize #cloudplatforms #itsolutions #datacenter #egov #egovs #eaustin #etexas #digitaltools



City and State Governments Turn to Qless to Manage Lines, Reduce Wait Times, and Support Social-Distancing Initiatives

Many different state and local government agencies across the US are implementing digital line-management solutions such as Qless to reduce cost, wait times and improve customer experience.



The Irish government will provide €10m to regional businesses to support #digitalisation and #greenefforts

The funding is part of the Regional Enterprise Transition Scheme and will be available to businesses with regional and community-based projects.

These efforts aim to help enterprises adapt to the changing economic landscape due to Covid-19 and improve their competitiveness, #innovation and #productivity.

Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation Robert Troy said that the scheme would “help stimulate regional projects to support organisations [that] embrace digitalisation and the green.”

The call will close on 8 September 2021, and the successful projects will be announced in October, with all the funding being provided to the successful applicants before the end of the year.

#irland #irishgovernemtn #eirland #digitalisation #egovernment #datagovernance #cyberresilience #covid #cybersecurity



Google joins Smart Africa Alliance to drive digital transformation in Africa

Google joins the Smart Africa Alliance in a bid to help African countries in their digital transformation efforts through the development of digital skills, data governance and ICT startups.




Governments worldwide need to improve their #digitalservice delivery

#Digitalisation and #data revolution offer countries significant potential to increase the efficiency and delivery of their #publicservice while also boosting #transparency and citizen trust.

However, according to The Global Trust Imperative report, people are not particularly satisfied with their governments.

According to the international survey, citizens want public services to be similar or better than those of the best private organisations.

What’s more, according to the same report, 81% of respondents directly associate trust in the governments with how well they deliver such services.

#digitalisation #egovernment #cyberresilience #covid #cybersecurity #resilience #informationtechnology



Building a Culture of Digital Transformation

Many US state and local agencies have begun adopting cloud-based technologies and services to accelerate digital transformation, which should also be coupled with a culture shift, new policies and approaches.



Redefining the #UK local authority through #digitalisation in a post-pandemic world

The pandemic has transformed the way that #publicservices have been delivered. The implementation of new #technologies have really helped local government agencies to overcome some of the challenges. However, the resilience, tenacity and adaptability of the workforce is at the core of what has gotten everybody through these difficult times.

Despite this, there are still obstacles ahead. Within local authorities, 70% of leaders see hybrid working as essential for the future, where staff move between their homes and the office. That’s why digitalisation remains crucial because it enables and supports this new working model.

For this reason local authorities have to become #digitalfirst organisations that are rethinking working practices, and that enrich lives of the citizens they serve.

#digitalonly #digitaleconomy #digitalgovernment #itservices #digitalinnovation #tech #informationsecurity #publicservice



Government opens consultation on digital ID

The UK government has made public its plans to create a new system for digital identities, asking for consultation and proposals for the governing body charged with this initiative.


#DigitalUS Counties winners of 2021 pivot from response to recovery

The National Association of Counties and the Center for Digital Government have announced the annual Digital Counties Survey winners.

It identified the best technology practices among #UScounties, including initiatives that encourage #opendata#cybersecurity, collaboration, and shared services.

While this was the 19th annual survey conducted, there is a change in attitude and lessons learned from the pandemic.

They had demonstrated authentic leadership when needed the most, showing their innovation and expertise in leveraging technology to achieve the goals and objectives.

Now, moving forward, all counties are focusing on making some of the initiatives started during the crisis more permanent.

#digitalUSA #digitaltransformation #digitalization #digitalusa #egovernments #digitalpublicsector #digitalinfrastructure #usa



Government plans to put digital identities on same footing as passports and driving licences

The UK government has signalled the intent to put digital identities on the same legal footing as driving licences and passports since they increase privacy and are much harder for fraudsters to access and replicate.


FRIDAY,  30 JULY 2021

Congress takes a serious look at city and county #digitalinfrastructure

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the #US, the federal government employees across the country had to make dramatic changes almost overnight to the way they operated.

#Telework became the norm, and citizen services moved to being #digitalfirst and even digital-only experiences.

According to Dr Alan R. Shark – the executive director of the Public Technology Institute (PTI) – there are five critical areas of concern that Congress has to pay more attention to:

IT modernisation lacks in providing effective digital services directly to citizens.
Pressing need to leave behind the silos and focus on enhanced intergovernmental relations.
Significant #cyberthreat protection, both preventative and premeditative.
Abundant need for professional development or certifications aimed at existing staff.
Actively addressing workforce shortages which requiring more creative approaches to recruitment and retention in IT-related positions.

#it #digitaltransformation #digitalization #digtalUSA #digitalusa #egovernments #digitalpublicsector #digitalinfrastructure #usa


FRIDAY,  30 JULY 2021

E-government development strategy issued for digital government in new era

Vietnam’s Prime Minister has approved a development strategy towards building a digital government during the 2021-2025 period, aiming to improve service quality and create value for the whole society.




A range of state and local agencies in the US embraced #digitalservices during the #pandemic

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is that the future of government and public-sector services will be increasingly driven by a shift to #digital and the use of data in their operations.

The scale of the transformation has been massive. It has become clear that understanding and embracing these changes is crucial to making better decisions and delivering improved social, economic and environmental outcomes that have a lasting impact.

Some success stories include:
San Francisco got #pandemic information online
Colorado used infrastructure as code to offer services faster and at a lower cost
Ohio focused on data scalability and availability
Vermont leveraged technology while also building up back-end systems to ensure a secure and positive citizen experience

#digitaltransformation #digitalization #digtalUSA #digitalusa #egovernments #digitalpublicsector #digitalinfrastructure #usa



Connecticut Gov. Lamont signs government modernization bill

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has signed wide-ranging legislation that aims to improve and modernise the state’s digital government offerings.





BT Podcasts: How GovTech balances best of big tech and digital government

Singapore’s approach to digitalisation balances the best of the modern tech practices helping the government instil trust in its citizens.




BT Podcasts: How GovTech balances best of big tech and digital government

Singapore’s approach to digitalisation balances the best of the modern tech practices helping the government instil trust in its citizens.



TUESDAY,  27 JULY 2021

Transforming the citizen experience with a customer-centric #digitalstrategy

Governments across the world are focused on fulfilling the ever-increasing demands emerging from the current and future generations.

If leaders want to enable their #economy and give their citizens a brighter future, they need to stop wasting time and money trying to shoe-horn large #legacyplatforms into smaller solution spaces. Large and significant challenges require radical ideas and solutions.

The legacy should be a memory. That’s why #publicagencies need to focus on data-driven solutions to provide outstanding customer service and enable their workforce with the tools that they need to quickly integrate, adapt and collaborate.

#digitalisation #egovernment #cyberresilience #covid #cybersecurity #resilience #informationtechnology


TUESDAY,  27 JULY 2021

Government unveils proposals to increase competition in UK digital economy

The UK government unveils the proposal for using a watchdog to level the playing field and boost the competition of startups in the digital economy while also protecting the customers.

MONDAY,  26 JULY 2021

A procurement paradigm for #digitalgovernment

Governments have had to rely more on high-tech solutions in a world where #digitalisation and inclusiveness has never been more important for citizens.

But while these #publicagencies focus on automatisation and providing access to #digitaltechnologies to all people, #procurementofficers don’t know where to start.

Typically governments buy new tools that can help solve current and recent problems that may arise, and then they implement them in their day-to-day operations.

This approach leads to higher expenditures and misuse of this technology.

What needs to be done is to identify specific problems and then look for targeted data-driven solutions, which are fundamental in creating a positive outcome.

#usa #digitalization #digitaltransformation #digitalskills #digitaltraining #egov #egovs #digitalstrategy

MONDAY, 26 JULY 2021

Building digital government services for peak demand

Following the Australian government’s failures to cope with unexpected digital demand, the use of cloud services will allow more efficient and effective and secure public service’s.




Monaco's #digitalID puts it in the global top five

Since June 2021, every #monaco citizen and resident can have a digital identity associated with their #IDcard, facilitating access to different public and #privateservices.

These biometric cards are able to streamline many administrative processes without compromising personal safety and quality of life.

The government’s ambition is to equip at least two-thirds of its people with this digital ID by the end of 2022.

This ambitious program centred on data, #informationsecurity, and digital uses has helped Monaco enter the top five most advanced countries in this field, alongside Singapore and Estonia.

#digitalid #ekyc l #cards #biometrics #digitalbiometrics #cloud #egov #egovs #e-monaco #emonaco



Know your knowledge: organising governments’ data assets

As global leaders are increasing their digital efforts, making sense of their data assets helps them boost efficiency, provide easy access to information, and improve decision-making.



FRIDAY, 23 JULY 2021

The increase of #cyberinsurance costs pushes governments to intervene

#Cyberattacks have become a common thing that causes liability issues, and property loss should #digitalsystems and operations be disrupted.

During the pandemic, the severity and frequency of significant #ransomwarestrikes increased, causing the costs and prices of cyber insurance to surge.

#insurers are not only creasing prices; they are also becoming more vigilant about controls or whom they sell to. But if they raise rates too much, smaller organisations with limited budgets may decide coverage is not worth the cost.

In this situation, there is a growing expectation that governments must intervene to help make offering affordable coverage more financially attractive for insurers.

#cloud #technology #cybersecurity #bigdata #datacenter #it #cloudstorage #programming #networksecurity #digitalization #digitaltransformation


FRIDAY, 23 JULY 2021

National digital identity systems: why private sector participation matters

As the interest in digital IDs increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has highlighted the benefits the private and the public sector have if they integrate with each other.


In #singapore, a new #AI #chatbot will handle citizen's feedback about municipal issues

As part of the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy published in 2019, the country has launched the #OneService Chatbot on WhatsApp and Telegram.

This new solution will enable citizens to submit cases about any issue and provide additional information about them, and the chatbot automatically analyses the feedback and categorises submissions by type ( something that was done manually before.)

The initiative is one of many that Singapore has taken, and it maps out how the country will deploy #artificialintelligence to digitally transform the economy and improve lives.

#digitaleconomy #digital #technology #machinelearning #ai #bigdata #deeplearning #singapore #e-singapore #egov #egovs



Government sets out plan for digital regulation

he UK government sets out a plan for digital regulation that aims to reduce confusing policies and maximise the potential of digital technology.




Australians are satisfied with their government's #digitalefforts

The COVID pandemic has profoundly increased people’s expectations of #digitalservice delivery from the public and private sectors, including #australia.

While in 2019, more than a quarter of the citizens were unaware of the government’s digital services, things seem to have changed for the better and not only that.

According to a new survey from ICT consultancy #infosys, 80% of the people in Australia have increased their usage of such services. Moreover, 4 out of 5 respondents have given their stamp of approval about the quality.

They consider these #digitalpublicservices to be superior to or at least as good as those the private sector offers.

#eaustralia #egov #egov #egovernment #itservices #digitalinnovation #tech #informationsecurity #publicservices



Countries Offering Digital Nomad Visas

Digital nomad visas – that allow people to stay in a foreign country and work remotely or as freelancers – have become the new normal in the “new” world, with 24 countries offering them for temporary workers.


The #UK Home Office launches a new #digitalstrategy

Without a doubt, the world is unanimous in its understanding that “digital” is critical to day-to-day lives and the economy.

For the UK, #digitalisation has been seen as a necessity for their current survival and future economy, especially after #brexit.

That’s why lately, the Home Office has set out a framework to evolve Digital, Data and Technology (DDT) over the next three years.

The purpose is to set the direction for how the government will deliver better #publicservices and organise their #technology more efficiently.

This strategy marks a significant departure for the UK in creating a unified #digitalplan that reflects the specific needs of its citizens.

#ddtUK #uk #bigdata #ai #AI #data #onlinepublicservices #digitalization #digitalisation



Victorian government sets aside AU$35m to build a digital twin of the state

The Victorian government has announced it has set aside AU$35m to build a data-based digital replica of the state, which is expected to support informed urban planning decisions.



MONDAY, 19 JULY 2021

Closing the gap between those designing #digitalisation policies and those delivering them

#Digitising public services is crucial nowadays for numerous governments around the world. An improved government through #digitisation will have a growing effect on businesses, will intensify citizen engagement and grow the economy.

However, the success of the #digitalgovernment is related to the quality of the organisations’ knowledge and clarity about this topic, complementing each other for significant improvements in the #publicsector. And more often than not, there is a divide between policymakers and deliverers.

In order to overcome this problem, it is essential for governments to include #digital voices in all teams from the beginning because they know how to navigate an increasingly complex technical landscape and build effective solutions.

#digitalisation #egovernment #cyberresilience #covid #cybersecurity #resilience #emergencymanagement #businesscontinuity #disasterrecovery #informationtechnology


MONDAY, 19 JULY 2021

Government Digital Transformation Requires Citizen Trust

The governments’ digital transformation is achievable not only by massive data stores and increased spending for digital solutions but also by building services that serve their people and cultivate trust.

SUNDAY, 18 JULY 2021

The #UAE partners with #tech giants for training campaigns

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice President and Ruler of #Dubai– has unveiled the signed agreement with major technology companies like #google#amazon#microsoft#cisco and more to train hundreds of thousands of young people in #computerprogramming.

This new programme represents a further giant step towards establishing a #digitaleconomy. After all, the ability to code, develop software and build mobile applications are some of the most sought-after skills in the global job market.

Moreover, through this partnership, HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced that he seeks to establish “1,000 tech companies that will go global.”

The UAE has been steadily moving towards #digitalisation for some time. For instance, in 2017, a national campaign named ‘One Million Arab Coders’ was launched, which aimed to equip young people with the necessary tools to succeed in the future tech-based market.

#dubai #uae #digitalization #digitaltransformation #digitalisation #digitalgovernment #digitalskills #digitaltraining


SUNDAY, 18 JULY 2021

S Korea assists to build Digital Gov’t Co-op Centre

South Korea provides Cambodia with $700 million in an effort to help the Kingdom reform its public service delivery and create a digital government.




Why being the best at #digital means being the best at all things?

The global pandemic has really made digital imperative to deliver #publicservices, laying the foundation for future #digitalgovernment. So it’s safe to say that Covid accelerated by years the advent of e-governments.

However, offering some services online doesn’t mean that the job is done. The agencies need to put the citizens’ needs and desires first and not only focus on the cost-effectiveness of #digitalisation.

According to Adobe’s Practice Lead for Digital Strategy, John Mackenney, “True #digitaltransformation enables service delivery on the consumer’s terms through the channel of their choice with no downgrading of their experience.”

#digitalization #egov #egovs #egovernments #digitaltransformation #digital #innovation #technology #business #industry #digitalisierung #automation #digitalmarketing #digitization



Why local data and local processing are key to giving better citizen experience

According to IDC Government Insights research director Shawn McCarthy “Local data and local processing are key to giving better experiences to citizens.”




Singapore wants to be an e-commerce hub as Asia's #digitaleconomy grows

According to a report conducted by Google and Bain & Company, the country’s e-commerce industry is set to be valued at US$22 billion by 2025. #Singapore has a lot of potential to become an e-commerce leader.

The Minister of Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing has lately introduced the strategy that aims to make this vision reality– transforming the country into a regional and global e-commerce hub.

“The borderless world of e-commerce presents new opportunities that are up for grabs by all who are willing to try. #technology is neutral, and those that can master it faster and better, win,” said the minister in a speech at Amazon’s Southeast Asia Online Seller Summit.

#digitaleconomy #ir #digital #artificialintelligence #technology #machinelearning #ai #bigdata #deeplearning #singapore #esingapore #ecommerce #egov #egovs



Increasing Government Resilience with Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery

As governments increasingly rely on cloud services, they need to strengthen enterprise security by focusing on prevention and robust disaster recovery.


𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲

The pandemic forced many governments and companies to adapt to remote working due to social distancing measures.

However, while the world slowly returns to normal, some things won’t. As businesses and #publicadministration are making plans for a post-pandemic workplace, they are offering employees more flexible schedules than ever before, depending on their needs.

According to a recent report for the US: “Many federal workers will have interaction in a mixture of telework and onsite work.”

Meanwhile, the UK, Norway, South Korea, Portugal and many other countries have also been fostering some type of #teleworking.

I believe that this international pattern is turning into one of the pandemic’s finest legacies: cheaper capitals, happier employees and citizens, and the arrival of digital authorities.

#remotework #workfromhome #remoteworking #digitalnomad #covid #wfh #coworking #egovernment #egov #egovs #digitalpublicservices #onlineservices



One Size Doesn’t Fit All: How Government Approaches Innovation

Different US state and local governments approach innovation differently because there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution.



MONDAY, 12 JULY 2021

Luxembourg's Chamber of Commerce hits the government's #digital plans

#Luxembourg has presented six #digitalprojects that will help businesses and the health sector better cope with future crises such as the pandemic.

These projects aim to make the country’s economy more digital-friendly by 2025, however according to the Chamber of Commerce, the roadmap is “more as a note of intent rather than a strategic plan”.

The country lags far behind other EU states and has faced many criticisms regarding its efforts to offer #onlineservices.

The business lobby group said in a statement that “The Chamber of Commerce calls for close consultation and strong involvement of economic players to focus on the concrete implementation of actions that strengthen the competitiveness of companies.”

#eluxembourg #digitalization #digitaltransformation #digitalgovernment #innovation #technology #digitaleconomy #egovernments

SUNDAY, 11 JULY 2021

South Korea wants to achieve an 80% #digitalconversion rate of public service by 2025!

On the 23rd of June, in South Korea, the 4th e-Government Day commemoration ceremony was held where it was discussed the plan for the #electronicgovernment.

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety presented “A good world opened by digital” as the vision of this #egovernment.

This plan calls for raising the digital conversion rate of primary public services to 80 % and the cloud computing conversion rate of the administrative sector to 100 % by 2025.

By doing so, they intend to expand the use of #electroniccertificates, mobile identity verification and simple authentication of citizens.

#esouthkorea #southkorea #digitalization #digitaltransformation #digital #innovation #technology #digitaleconomy #egovernments #digitalisation #digitalpublicservices


SUNDAY, 11 JULY 2021

Dubai establishes Digital Authority to prepare for the emirate’s next phase

Dubai has established the Dubai Digital Authority (DDA), which aims to lay the foundations for the city to become the world’s “digital capital”.




How can #digitalgovernment services seize opportunities to accelerate trust?

Worldwide, governments have increasingly tried to expand the scope and quality of their online services while keeping pace with emerging digital technologies.

The criticality of e-governments was highlighted, especially during the pandemic, where face-to-face interactions were reduced and even eliminated.

However, as #digitaltransformation accelerates, the population is not confident that their sensitive information is safe from hacking or inappropriate sharing and use. That’s why governments have to focus more on this area by:

Prioritising sustained #digitalservices improvements
Empowering citizens through built-in privacy and control
Overseeing #datasecurity investments

#egovernment #egovernments #egov #egovs #software #eservices #digital #smartcity #stayhome #staysafe #cybersecurity #cyberresilience




In Thailand, the demand for data centres and cloud technology has been spurred by the government’s facilitation of the digital economy.

FRIDAY, 09 JULY 2021

Saudi Arabia builds cyber resilience in the era of #digital vigilance

As the Kingdom accelerates its #digitaltransformation efforts, it has become a prime target for #cybercriminals. Its vulnerable position was highlighted in 2012 when the Shamoon virus forced Aramco- one of the world’s most valuable companies- to shut down.

However, as the usage of the Internet during the pandemic increased, so did the number of malicious actors who were able to take advantage of the typically reduced IT security of remote workers.

Since Saudi Arabia has a very digitally active population, the cybercrime’s magnitude could continue to increase, and radical measures need to be taken in this direction.

#saudiarabia #digitalisation #egovernment #cyberresilience #covid #cybersecurity #resilience #emergencymanagement #businesscontinuity #disasterrecovery #informationtechnology


FRIDAY, 09 JULY 2021

Govt digital services not inclusive enough, research finds

86 % of people in New Zealand think that digital public services should be more inclusive to better serve people with disabilities.




Only 50% of the West Australia government have met the benchmark in #informationsecurity

The auditor-general of Western Australia has found that different applications used by state government entities contain control weaknesses, mostly around poor information security and policies and procedures.

All these weaknesses can significantly compromise the integrity and availability of information systems, and the entities should act promptly to resolve them.

The report takes into consideration:

• The businesses objectives of the entity
• The level that the entity dependents on IT
• The technological sophistication of its computer systems
• The value of information that the entity manages.

This year there were found 553 GCC issues to the 59 audited entities compared to 522 issues at 50 entities last year. However, information security remains the most significant area of concern because there has been a drop of 7% from last year.

#wa #westernaustralia #egovernment #digitalisation #digitalization #ehealth #onlinepublicservices #digitalroadmap



The U.S. government is investing $80 million for a #digitalhealth program

The need for public #healthprofessionals has been increasing and highlighted during the #pandemic. That’s why the government has forced on recognising the role of #digitalhealth and innovation in #healthcare.

As part of the efforts to improve the #healthinfrastructure, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)has received $80 million to implement or expand training, certification and degree in #publichealthprograms at different colleges and universities.

Its curricula will be developed by collaborating with local and state public health departments and others experts that can help deal with the most pressing challenges in public health informatics and technology.

#egovernment #digitalisation #digitalization #ehealth #onlinepublicservices #digitalroadmap



New G5 Classification Proves Saudi Maturity as World-Class Digital Nation

The United Arab Emirates’ digital ecosystem gets upgraded to the status of the fifth-generation regulator by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), proving its maturity as a world-class digital nation.




𝗖𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗗 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗰𝘆, 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀' 𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

As more and more countries have focused on massive vaccinations, the ease of restrictions, and the introduction of digital #covidpassport, several concerts have been raised.

Firstly, there are different versions of these passports, making the lack of standardisation a burden for everyone.

Also, it has not yet been used on a cross-border basis, and I think that if we want to accept and use it on a grander scale, governments will have to overcome immense logistical challenges.

Also, there are concerns about discrimination and fraud and encouraging risky behaviour, making it a privacy minefield.

However, as the debate continues, I believe that with global collaboration and coordination it will be possible to implement secure, interoperable systems for all citizens.

#covideucertificate #eu #digitalhealthpassport #digitalhealthcertificate #healthcare #health #covid #healthtech #telehealth #medicine #ehealth #medical #hospital #mhealth #medtech

MONDAY, 05 JULY 2021

Cloud Is The Key To Digital Transformation In Government

The unprecedented disruption brought on by the pandemic has increased digital transformation in priority, pushing south African governments to leverage cloud for improved citizen experiences and new business models.


MONDAY, 05 JULY 2021

𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗳𝘆 - 𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗔𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗪𝗔 𝗚𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿

The initiative was established through Data#3’s work- a leading and award-winning Australian IT services and solutions provider- and the Office on #digitalgovernment. The focus was to improve the Sector’s #cybersecurity posture and maximise the value of Microsoft technologies.

Cybersecurity has been of the utmost importance for Australian organisations and government departments, and this initiative is being delivered as a part of the Digital Innovation Fund.

According to Peter Bouhlas – office of Digital Government’s WA chief information security officer- the fund will allow agencies with limited resources to accelerate their cybersecurity maturity by accessing security-focused services provided by Data#3.

#itservices #it #itservice #digitalinnovation #hacking #security #hacker #fortify #infosec #ethicalhacking #cybercrime #linux #hackers #tech #informationsecurity


MONDAY, 05 JULY 2021

Key challenges on Malta’s economic vision for the next 10 years discussed with the private sector

The Maltese government wants to position Malta as the “digital island of the future” in the next ten years through productive collaboration with the private sector.




SUNDAY, 04 JULY 2021

𝗗𝗶𝗴𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗚𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁

With countries struggling with the disruptions caused by the pandemic, they have been faced with two priorities: #digitalisation and #sustainability.

Both of them have been a concern and a challenge of modern societies in developing and developed countries as well.

After all, good governance is crucial to efficiently managing resources for the well-being of current and future generations.

However, leaders don’t have to choose between these two priorities; instead, they can integrate them. According to Dr Gianluca di Pasquale- global green economies and infrastructure leader at professional services firm EY- has noted that “In our study, we discovered that #digitalgovernment could help create #sustainablegovernments, and vice versa.

I totally agree. E-government can facilitate integrated policies and public services to promote sustainable economic growth and environmental protection.

That means that economies can increase their probability of having sustainable development with the #digitaltransformation of their respective governments.

#sustainability #egovernment #publicservices #onlinepublicservices #digitalroadmap


SUNDAY, 04 JULY 2021

Qld govt stumps up $40m for cyber security, digital

The Queensland government will invest almost $40 million in cybersecurity, ensuring the country remains connected in the digital world as Covid-19 recovery gets underway.




#Digitalgovernment efforts: Every citizen in Vietnam will have a QR Code by 2025

While other South East Asian countries are still suffering reversed economic growth due to Covid-19, this is not the case for Vietnam. It has recorded the highest ever level of GDP growth and all due to its efforts for #digitaltransformation.

The latest key point of the government development strategy was discussed this month (June) regarding giving every person in the country a #digitalidentity by 2025.

This is part of the plans to enable citizens, enterprises and other organisations to use #digitalservices conveniently and straightforwardly.

With #digitalisation being adopted in every aspect of life, Vietnam aims to join the top 50 countries in terms of #opendata and #digitalgovernment.

#vietnam #southeastasian #covid #digitalpublicservices #publicservices #digitalization




Ann Kirkbride – business Unit Director at Avenu Insights & Analytics in the US- has discussed the importance digitalisation has on public sector entities to make their services more accessible.



FRIDAY, 02 JULY 2021

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum launches a new entity to #digitise life in #Dubai

His Highness, the Vice-President and Prime Minister of the #UAE and Ruler of Dubai announced on Twitter the establishment of the Dubai Digital Authority.

Dubai Smart Government, Dubai Smart Department, Dubai Data Corporation, Dubai Statistics Center, and Dubai Electronic Security Center will all fall under the purview of this new entity. He also announced that Hamad Al Mansouri would direct it.

That is one of the many efforts the UAE has made toward turning itself into one of the world’s most influential #digital economic capitals. UAE has not only created strategies to survive the pandemic but has also proven that it can flourish during and after it.

#dubaidigitalauthority #dubai #uae #digitalization #digitaltransformation #digitalisation #digitalgovernment #digitaleconomy


FRIDAY, 25 JUNE 2021

Government priorities regarding to #cloudmigration

When it comes to expanding mission capabilities while increasing service delivery speed, governments face ongoing challenges. However, overcoming them has become more vital now due to the pandemic, and decision-makers should decide which #data should migrate first.

Center for Digital Government Vice President Phil Bertolini advises, “Don’t try to do everything at once. You might think that sending everything into a #cloudenvironment is necessary, and it doesn’t work that way.”

Discovery, assessment, and evaluation activities need to be performed to optimise value while workloads are moved to the cloud.

Here’s what should be considered:
People: Communication and guidance is vital to ensure they understand changes
#Governance and security: Compliance with Government-specific control and risk management are required for success
Platform: Solution must different requirements while maintaining continuity during migration
Operations: Monitoring and maintaining the solution is key to achieving migration goals

#cloud #bigdata #datacenter #cloudstorage #networksecurity #digitalization #digitaltransformation #digitalisation #datagovernance #technology #cybersecurity Musfique Ahmed Khalid Suhaim Wasim Kazi Joe Kobrianos Emily Yue



FRIDAY, 25 JUNE 2021

IIT Bombay Announces Launch Of Its New Centre For Digital Health

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay has set up a new centre that will be focused on driving research and academic programmes in Digital Health.




How Saudi Arabia has built economic resilience amidst the #pandemic?

Saudi Arabia has shown remarkable resilience in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. The kingdom has tried to increase the government effectiveness since 2016 through Vision Realisation Programmes, which aim to create a thriving economy and a vibrant society.

Vision 2030- an ambitious roadmap with multiple goals, has helped Saudi Arabia with its ongoing transformational efforts even during the pandemic, providing a strategic network of high-tech and responsive regulatory mechanisms.

The streamlined and automated administrative procedures and #datasharing systems among various entities have made it possible for citizens, investors and entrepreneurs to benefit from different #digitalservices. The kingdom’s e-government initiatives have helped build public institutions that are effective, accountable and transparent.

#saudiarabia #vision2030 #digitalpublicservices #digitalgovernment #visionrealisationprogrammes Ali Alasiri Hisham Alsheikh هشام آل الشيخ Eng. Abdulrahman Sager Almutairi Khalid Suhaim



Efficiency and Personalization Are the Future of Digital Health Technology

AI and other technologies that improve efficiency and offer more personalisation for healthcare while reducing costs will emerge as leading technologies.



How has the #pandemic accelerated modernization efforts in Arizona?

If there were ever any doubts about the importance that #digitaltransformation has to #governments#covid has silenced all of them.

In this new world, the vast majority of interactions with citizens and businesses must take place virtually. After all, it is- go digital or go dark.

This has been the central topic of discussion during the Arizona Virtual Digital Government Summit on 8th June.

Paula Mattingly- assistant director and CIO of the state of Arizona’s Department of Health- has noted that the disruptions caused by Covid offered the opportunity to implement changes faster and improve service delivery.

The scalability of cloud technology has allowed #publicagencies to meet the increased public demand for information.
#cybersecurity has played a vital role in protecting systems susceptible to #databreaches and similar threats.
#technologyupgrades have cut the funds needed to maintain outdated legacy systems.

#cloud #technology #bigdata #cloudstorage #digitalization #digitalisation #arizona #earizona




Public Services To Be Digitized

The Department of Information and Communication Technology in Papua New Guinea has been restructured to digitise public services to restore people’s trust in the government.



Egyptian government reviews #digitaltransformation projects in the agricultural sector

In Egypt, two ministries have joined hands in reviewing the implementation of joint projects regarding digitalisation in the country.

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation are cooperating in order to positively impact the farmers, agricultural sector and the #egyptiancitizens as well.

The projects aim to develop this sector by focusing on the latest #technologicalcapabilities, which include offering services in a single platform, such as
Submitting applications
Land reclamation
Agricultural acquisition systems
Farmers’ ID
Identifying crops through #AI etc.

According to Elsayed Elkosayer- Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation- these efforts align with the Egyptian government’s plan toward digital transformation.

#digitalization #digitalisation #digitalisationinagriculture #publicservices #onlinepublicservices #digitalgovernment



Digital Transformation Core to Boosting Zimbabwe’s Economy, Improving Services

The new report from World Bank Zimbabwe Digital Economy Diagnostic finds that digital services are the most vital foundation for the digital transformation in the country.



MONDAY, 21 JUNE 2021

European Commission launches EU Digital Covid certificate

On 14th June, the #europeancommission has formally signed legislation to create a digital #covidcertificate which will be used for 12 months.

This document has been introduced to EU members and will facilitate the safe free movement of citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How does this certificate work?
It contains a QR code with a digital signature that protects it against falsification.
To check it, the QR code needs to be scanned
Each hospital, test centre, or health authority has its own digital signature key stored in a secure database for each country.
This digital certificate can be verified across the EU.

But despite this effort, according to Louise Grabo- President of the EESC’s Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market – the EU is still behind countries like the U.S. and China when it comes to #digitalisation.

#covideucertificate #eu #digitalhealthpassport #digitalhealthcertificate #healthcare #health #covid #healthtech #telehealth #medicine #ehealth #medical #hospital #mhealth #medtech



MONDAY, 21 JUNE 2021

Government Forum: Digital Experiences That Put People First

Adobe’s annual event on 15th June was focused on government agencies and how they can improve workforce productivity and customer experience.



SUNDAY, 20 JUNE 2021

The United Arab Emirates ranks third globally for #digitalgovernmentservices.

According to a global BCG study, UAE has scored in the top five countries where people are satisfied with digital government services with a satisfaction score of 73%. For comparison, the average of developed countries is 64% and developing countries 58%.

UAE is one of those places where the government has increasingly sought to expand the scope and quality of their #onlineservices and keep pace with emerging #digitaltechnologies even before the #pandemic. Covid only highlighted the criticality of these digital government services and forced the country to act quickly in scaling up.

Some of the government’s efforts include the Emirati Dubai Health Authority app covering a full suite of pandemic-related services and the UAE PASS. This digital national identity provides access to 5,000 government and private services nationwide.

The overall satisfaction of citizens comes from efforts to redesign services to be more user-centred for the relatively youthful, digitally savvy population.

#uae #uaepass #bcgstudy #unitedarabemirates #publiconlineservices #digitalization #digitalisation #emiratidubaihealthapp #uaepass



SUNDAY, 20 JUNE 2021

"Azerbaijan ahead of many countries in the creation, development of #digitalgovernment services"

That’s what Fariz Jafarov-director of the Center for the Development of Electronic Government of Azerbaijan- has said in one of his interviews recently.

This department has overseen several projects of the state-business (G2B) and state-citizen (G2C) segments during the pandemic. During this time, an SMS permission system and an #onlineportal were developed where employees and citizens could ask for special permits to leave their homes for specific reasons.

According to Jafarov, over 112 million SMS were sent during this time, and seven million citizens have used the services of this system.

Moreover, all #governmentagencies have an electronic document management project as part of the plans to create e-government. Along with this, Jafarov explained that they had developed a national system to exchange information securely.

#azerbaijan #egovernment #digitalisation #digitalization #ehealth #onlinepublicservices #digitalroadmap



SUNDAY, 20 JUNE 2021

The U.S. Hasn’t Embraced a Vaccine Passport, and Probably Won’t

The U.S. has proven to be unwilling to take the politically charged step toward creating a universal digital health passport, pushing different companies to step in.


Qatar ranks fourth globally for digital govt services

According to a study from Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG), Qatar ranks fourth globally for digital government services, marking its latest digitisation accomplishment.




The patient’s voice: an integral part of digital health transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic has really emphasized the need for #digitaltechnologies, high-quality data, and Artificial Intelligence analytics tools.

However, it’s essential to engage people when creating #digitaltools or policies to provide exceptional health care. After all, patients are instrumental in exploiting the potential of digitalization, and their concerns, needs, and expectations should be considered.

Different digital technologies such as 5G, #artificialintelligence, and #supercomputing have offered new opportunities to transform the way people receive health services.

The use of remote monitoring, #telemedicine, and #telerehabilitation has enabled innovative approaches to the co-creation and integration of healthcare for citizens.

#ai #digitalisation #digitalization #ehealth #onlinepublicservices



How new digital ID standards will modernise property transfers

The HMLR’s new digital ID standard will modernise property transfers enabling home buyers to own and control their documentation, reducing unnecessary responsibility and cost for services providers.




EU #digitalhealth passport goes live in seven European countries

Covid-19 has really put a toll on our lives, and following the progress of recent vaccination efforts, the need for a health digital certificate has increased rapidly.

The European Union Digital #COVIDCertificate, two months after it was proposed, went live in seven countries on 1st June 2021.

This document shows whether someone has been fully vaccinated, recovered, or tested negative from the virus within the last 72 hours.

Rafael Schvartzman, Regional Vice President for Europe at the #IATA, has commented: “According to a recent survey, 76% of people want to travel to see their loved ones. And now we are able to safely reconnect them and resume safe travelling this summer.”

The certificate is accepted in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, and Poland.

#digitalhealthpassport #digitalhealthcertificate #healthcare #health #covid #healthtech #doctors #doctor #telemedicine #telehealth #medicine #ehealth #medical #hospital #mhealth #medtech



The power of youth in the digital health transition

Students have a vital role in the digital transformation of healthcare by being the professionals of tomorrow trained in eHealth who use digital solutions as tools to facilitate access to care.


UK unveils investment to test #digitaltools in local areas

Housing Minister Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP has announced on 1st June 2021 that £1.1 million will be used to test digital tools and data standards across different local areas.

Published in August 2020, the white paper ‘Planning for the future proposed reforms to streamline and modernise the entire planning process.

The test aims to show how existing local plans translate into the new system, making it easier for people to engage online with planning in their area, which will help them build homes quickly.

The program will focus on the digital transformation of local plans where the community’s involvement is necessary to ensure that the correct levels of growth are identified to meet its needs.

#uk #bigdata #ai #AI #data #onlinepublicservices #digitalization #digitalisation #publicservices


The Times of India - Digital Divide will exclude marginalised from jabs: Supreme Court

The Supreme Court in New Delhi has said the policy mandating registration on the CoWin app for a vaccination slot excludes marginalised communities from jabs due to the digital divide.



MONDAY, 14 JUNE 2021

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum orders comprehensive assessments on digital and #smartservices

Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai- HH Sheikh Mohammed has ordered an assessment to be conducted on thousands of public digital services offered.

The purpose is to select the best and worst five government entities in providing integrated #digitalservices that reach customers everywhere, enabling them to complete their transactions easily, quickly, and efficiently.

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced this through his Twitter account. He stressed that #digitalisation is a top priority for his government and that the assessment process aims to upgrade customer experiences and enhance their overall well-being.

This surely boosts UAE’s competitiveness in the #servicessector and brings it a step closer to its goal- becoming one of the best countries in the world in rendering #governmentservices.

I believe UAE is a true benchmark for the world to learn from in how to drive a citizen-centric mindset in government organizations …

#digitalservice #uae #dubai #publicdigitalservices #publicservices #digitalization



MONDAY, 14 JUNE 2021

The new EU Digital Finance strategy

Giovanni Caccavello from Open Banking Excellence believes that only a tighter action plan for the EU Digital Finance strategy can promote prosperity across Europe.


SUNDAY, 13 JUNE 2021

The state of #cloud in state and #localgovernments

If I had to choose a positive aspect of this global pandemic, it would surely be the accelerated pace of #digitalisation in different countries.

Indeed, even before Covid-19, #cloudapplications had been used by state and local governments, whether they thought about it or not. However, it was soon seen as a necessity more than a choice, and it became clear that the #publicsector needed systems which are more responsive and agile.

While each country’s journey toward #cloudcomputing has been different, many have followed the federal government’s footsteps.

According to the 2020 Digital States Survey, only 12% of respondents had moved more than half of their systems and applications to the cloud.

This means that there is still a very long way to go toward digitalisation so that States can benefit from increased security, agility, and efficiency.

#cloud #technology #cybersecurity #bigdata #datacenter #it #cloudstorage #programming #networksecurity #digitalization #digitaltransformation


SUNDAY, 13 JUNE 2021

Greece Reveals First EU Digital COVID Passport as ‘Fast Lane to Facilitate Travel’

Greece’s government has revealed the first European Union’s Digital Covid certificate, which will ease the travel process for all the vaccinated people. #digitalcertificate



Mexican Government Agency Chooses WooRank to Power SEO Strategy

A Mexican government agency has chosen WooRank to improve its clients’ digital strategy, enabling it to run multiple health checks and offer personalized solutions to them.



FRIDAY, 11 JUNE 2021

European Commission proposes a secure #digitalidentity for all citizens

In its latest #digitalpolicy announcement, the European Union has proposed creating a framework for a European ID available to all citizens, residents, and businesses in the EU.

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, has said: “This digital identity will enable us to do in any Member State as we do at home with fewer hurdles. We will decide how much information we wish to share, with whom, and for what reason. This is an excellent opportunity to take us all further into experiencing what it means to be European.”

This will enable citizens to prove their identity and share #electronicdocuments with the click of a button on their phones so they can easily access #onlineservices throughout #Europe in a safe manner.

#eu #europeanunion #europeancommission #digitalization #digitization #onlinepublicservices #publicservices

FRIDAY, 11 JUNE 2021

New digital telecare purchasing system launched by local government procurement arm

Scotland Excel has launched a new procurement system at an estimated value of £12m over ten years to help local authorities access digital telecare services.





Government of Canada ( #GC) launches updated #digitalstrategy

The global #pandemic has indeed accelerated the global shift to #onlineservices for governments and businesses alike. Innovation has been crucial during these times, pushing public servants to deliver essential services digitally.

The unpredictability caused by Covid-19 has shown how vital it is to show agility. As a result, the Government of Canada has launched the latest strategic plan of its #digitaloperations for 2021-2024 with four key pillars:

Modernizing legacy IT systems so they are easy to use, stable, reliable, and secure.

Improving services so that individuals and businesses are satisfied with and trust #GCservices

Implementing enterprise which relates to making public servants happier and more productive; departments more data-driven; operations more effective and efficient; and costs lower.

Transforming the institution ensuring that #publicservants are digitally enabled to serve citizens better.

#digitalservices #digitaltransformation #digitalization #digitization #digital #informationtechnology #digitalplatform #itservices #digitalskills #itsystems Olivia Neal Nicole Foster Kirsten Tisdale Dan Batista Navid Nathoo Christine Hagyard Hussam Wali Jaimie Boyd Linda Williams Cloe Caron, PCC ICFShagun Maheshwari Jordana Globerman Ryan Androsoff Mustafa Khdair Richard St-Pierre Andy Nulman


Can The UK Government get to grips with digital identity?

The UK Government recently abandoned the #digitalidentity program due to “over-elaborate expectations trajectory and cost.”

The $250 million Verify digital identity system launched in 2013 had a goal of 25 million users by 2020.

However, one critical department, Her Majesties Revenue and Customs (HMRC) – the UK tax authority, opted out of the system in 2017. Today, their Government Gateway system has 16 million users, while Verify has fewer than eight million.

The UK Government will keep Verify running until April 2023 while developing a new digital identity service.

GDS (Government Digital Service) is leading the project in what the Government describes as a ‘discrete digital identity pilot project,’ which is underway.

Will the #UKGovernment be able to deliver a sound digital identity system?

#digitalidentity #digitalgovernment #ukgovernment



Op-Ed: Humans Are Getting in the Way of Digital Health

According to @medpagetoday, people are getting in the way of digital health. Unlike banking or logistics, healthcare is caught between two worlds: one of yesteryear and today.




The pandemic requires accelerating the #digitization of the public sector

UN experts show that the countries which have invested the most in their digital agendas in recent years are the ones that now are able to best serve their population in the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to the latest development report that the United Nations has just published, the region shows great progress.

The same has happened with the different public sector organizations that invested resources in their digital agendas, preparing them for different anticipated and unforeseen situations.

The current #healthcrisis has made it possible to verify that digital optimization at the national level strengthens democratic governance and is a necessity.

#digitalgovernment #digitaltransformation #unitednations #covid19


MONDAY, 07 JUNE 2021

Spain and the US are way out in front in #digitalhealth than Germany

According to a new survey by Fresenius, Germany is lagging behind other countries in adopting digital health, including Spain and the US.

The three-country poll found that Spain and the US are way out in front.

The difference between the three countries was most evident in #telemedicine. Online consultations were deemed very important by 55% of Spaniards, 43% of Americans but just 16% of German respondents.

There were also significant differences in the usage of #digitalhealth services.

When asked about video consultations, the US was way out in front. 22% of people said they had access to remote meetings with doctors.

In Germany, the proportion was only 2%, and Spain was only slightly better at 6%.

Also, GPs offering online appointment booking was available to around 55% of Spanish and US respondents, but only 15% of Germans.

42% and 35% of those who had access to online booking in Spain and the US had taken advantage of that. Meanwhile, in Germany, that percentage is only 8%.

#digitalhealth #telemedicine #digitalhealthservices #germany #spain #unitedstates Sofia Silva Carballido Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano Goñi Carina Lopes Gianluca Misuraca Carlos Sentís Alina Tkachenko Carlos Fernández Abad Pablo Alvarez Baeza Nicole Harper Carlos Severino Martinez Francisco Cervantes Leticia Cimarra William Guevara Ursi Van der Herten Paloma Garrón


MONDAY, 07 JUNE 2021

Government Digital Service sets out three-year strategy

The GDS strategy focuses on making a single, trusted source of information, joining up services, and creating a pan-government digital identity solution.



Did e-Estonia beat the Covid-19?

Was #Estonia better prepared than other nations to deal with the pandemic?

Estonia is probably the world’s most #digitalgovernment, with just about every state service online.

That’s why when the time came to impose restrictions on the movements of its citizens, Estonia was well prepared.

President Kersti Kaljulaid told Tech Tent that “e-school” was something children and others were already accustomed to using. Also, people were used to interacting with the whole healthcare system online.

During 2020, Estonia’s Covid-19 cases and deaths remained at very low rates. But, as the winter arrived, they began to take off. And for that, there is a reasonable explanation not related to e-Estonia.

“People want to be together,” Kaljulaid explains. The virus spread more quickly among 20-24-year-olds.

Estonia was able to manage that situation and now has the spring outbreak under control.

However, it has a far higher death rate than Asian hi-tech countries like South Korea and Taiwan.

That doesn’t mean e-Estonia has failed, though. These outcomes are more related to the different #privacypolicies each of these countries have.

#digitalgovernment #eestonia #privacypolicies #healthcare #covid19 Daniel Schaer Kristo Vaher Ott Vatter Sandra Särav Janek Rozov Ott Velsberg Kata Varblane Anna Piperal Nele Leosk Siim Sikkut Marten Kaevats Riina Alt Christman Roos Mikk Vainik Jana Krimpe Keiu Friedenthal Daniel Kotsjuba Anett Numa Robert Krimmer Helli Toomsalu Indrek Reimand Margus Mägi Mailin Aasmäe Olga Plishkina Imre Teder Ragnar Toomla Kaimar Karu Zunair Ahmed


MONDAY, 07 JUNE 2021

Data Summit Connect 2021 highlights the importance of Data Governance in making data-driven decisions

Seth Earley, founder and CEO of Earley Information Science, and Kevin Kline, head geek of SolarWinds, discussed the importance of #data and its effectiveness to help organizations drive decisions with data.

Early’s presentation focused on using data to drive #decisionmaking.

That means setting up scorecards and dashboards that will identify problems and guide changes—a true data-driven decision framework.

“It’s difficult to drive decisions with data instead of an opinion. We want to take that opinion out and drive decisions with data. … And if the data is important, you need to spend the money on it.” Earley said.

Meanwhile, Kline’s presentation, “Data Governance for DBAs,” focused on the importance of high-quality data.

As organizations and #governments grow in complexity and sophistication, they realize that their data is a true asset with enormous value and should be managed proactively.

#datagovernance #digitalgovernment #bigdata #datasummitconnect2021


SUNDAY, 06 JUNE 2021

UK plans fully digital border to provide accurate immigration numbers

The UK plans a fully digital border to provide accurate immigration numbers – as part of plans to be implemented by the end of 2025.




The pandemic impact on the data governance market

The Covid-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented and continued unpredictable state of emergency on many levels.

And in times of crisis, knowledge is power, and data has been assisting enterprises and #governments with better #decisionmaking.

According to a Mordor Intelligence report on #DataGovernance, the data governance market value was USD 1.81 billion in 2020.

And by 2026, the data governance market is projected to be worth USD 5.28 billion, registering a Compound Annual Growth Rate of over 20.83% during the forecast period (2021 – 2026).

Asia-Pacific is a region with enormous growth in data governance. This region is becoming a digital innovation center for the world. Next, it is followed by the USA and Europe region.

For more information, you can access the report in the comment below.

#datagovernance #datagovernancemarket #digitalgovernment



More Must Be Done to Close Digital Divide, End Poverty, Speakers Say, as Social Development Commission Continues Debate

Closing the digital gap – particularly in remote and rural areas, and among women, youth, the elderly, and disabled persons – is critical for achieving sustained, equitable growth, speakers said at the SDC.



FRIDAY, 04 JUNE 2021

Ndabeni-Abrahams says partnerships needed to achieve national digital transformation

Digital Technologies Minister of South Africa, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, says partnerships between the government, the private sector, and communities are needed to achieve national digital transformation.




TDRA UAE introduces the digital government roadmap

#TDRA (Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, United Arab Emirates) introduced the digital government roadmap prepared in a workshop.

Speakers in the workshop highlighted the six #strategicthemes of the #roadmap:

infrastructure and services;
common digital enablers;
the Unified Digital Platform;
laws, policies, and standards,
digital capacity building,
engagement and outreach.

To ensure proper implementation of the roadmap items, TDRA has developed five #strategicindicators:

achieving a 100% end-to-end true digital transformation within two years,
raising customer happiness to 90%,
increasing the digital uptake by 85%,
inclusive and complete training of the federal government workforce on digital enablers by 100%,
providing a single digital platform and unified digital experience across all federal government services by 100%.

A roadmap, six strategies, and strategic indicators. It seems TDRA is doing its job well and effectively. As I have been saying, without a concrete plan and objectives, there is not much progress to be expected.

#digitalgovernment #unitedarabemirations #digitalroadmap

Mohammad Al Zarooni




Australian budget lends support to digital economy

Australia’s A$1.2bn Digital Economy Strategy ticks most of the right boxes, but some industry experts say areas such as broadband infrastructure and AI are still underfunded.


That's what healthcare leaders see as the future for #digitalhealth.

According to a new report commissioned by Philips Healthcare, senior healthcare leaders from 14 countries say strengthening resilience and preparing for future crises is a top priority.

Medical services leaders in countries including the US, Germany, and India were asked about their plans for digitalization over the next three years.

The pandemic has seen many countries shift from in-person medical consultations to telemedicine, using apps, phone, and video appointments.

After the pandemic, the healthcare industry will continue with #telemedicine and investments in AI and ML.

The formation of technology-enabled ecosystems is expected to offload around a quarter of routine care from hospitals.

Over the next three years, across the 14 markets surveyed, healthcare services at walk-in clinics and in-patient treatment centers will grow by around 10% each, pharmacies by 4%, and #homecare by 6% on average.

#healthcare #healthcaretrends #digitalhealth



Central Government Set-up Digital Tracking System to monitor Oxygen availability

Digital solutions can help in extreme situations such as the one in India. The new digital tracking system to monitor Oxygen availability is a significant step from the government.

MONDAY, 31 MAY 2021

Digital bootcamp initiative could kickstart new thinking about technology skills

Digital Bootcamp initiatives are an excellent way to upskilling citizens and preparing them to embrace the digital government on a whole new level.


#Digital #Bootcamp

MONDAY, 31 MAY 2021

Why is email ruining digital services, and how to fix it?

#Digitalservices are an improvement over legacy, in-person processes.

But the way those services are constructed is inhibiting the potential time savings and user-experience improvements.

More often than not, existing digital services cannot handle a specific resident request, and residents send an #email to a government email address.

Now, resident inquiries are flooding government agencies workers’ inboxes.

But all these emails are keeping them from doing their job. That’s why email is ruining digital services. Here’s how to fix it.

Departments should use #machinelearning (ML) to categorize these large sets of resident inquiries and identify the problems.

Once analyzed, these recurring inquiries can be answered automatically.

Then, governments can turn that analysis into insight and use these analytics to measure and manage their performance, allocate resources to meet residents’ needs, and win back precious time to focus on their actual jobs.


SUNDAY, 30 MAY 2021

A digital economy strategy must include targets

A government that is making serious efforts toward the digital transformation of a country should also commit to creating a well thought digital economy strategy.


#Digital #Economy

SUNDAY, 30 MAY 2021

Why should the continuous #digitaltransformation should be top of mind for government agencies in Australia?

The Australian government has been investing significant time and resources into its #digitaltransformation strategy.

Covid-19 disruptions accelerated this transformation and created a strong impetus for government agencies to develop the agility required to pivot quickly in response to lockdowns, restrictions, and other rapid changes.

As such, the emphasis for many agencies is now on the need for #continuousdigitaltransformation.

There are some barriers currently preventing agencies from fully adopting continuous transformation.

Risk-averse agencies need to ensure they have the funding allocated adequately to a strategic roadmap that includes agility and a long-term view.

Also, this isn’t traditionally how government agencies have operated, so a mindset shift will be necessary for agencies to embrace continuous transformation and leverage the significant benefits it offers.

A continuous transformation approach requires a clear and well-defined strategy.

For best results, government agencies must undertake continuous transformation from a holistic standpoint.

#digitalgovernment #digitaltransformation #australiangovernment #continuousdigitaltransformation



UAE: Access 570 Abu Dhabi government services now in a single app

Through the TAMM app, Abu Dhabi residents can now access 570 local government services #online.

Currently, 80% of the #services have been added to the application, and the rest will be done by the end of the year.

The chairman of the Department of Government Support–Abu Dhabi, Ali Rashid Al Ketbi, said, “Once the app is complete, it will be the go-to platform for all information and government services, including payments.”

Through the TAMM app, the Abu Dhabi residents can:

Obtain permits and requirements for businesses,
Apply for a social care professional license,
Renew building permit,
Access all the services of the Department of Education and Knowledge, and the Department of Health Services,
Make digital financial transactions and payments,
seek different agriculture and food safety services,
Organize an event at the Department of Culture and Tourism venue,
Report an incident,
Submit a complaint and many more.

The TAMM app is available on the Apple Store and Google Play store, and community members can complete 93% of #governmenttransactions in under 6 minutes.

#digitalgovernment #abudhabi #tammapp #digitalservices



Digital adoption imperative for modern governance

Digital has become a top priority for governments worldwide due to the pandemic. Accelerating digital transformation efforts is a must nowadays.


#Digital #Governance

FRIDAY, 28 MAY 2021

How is Canada using AI to drive #greengrowth?

Canada uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to prepare infrastructure for electric vehicles and speed up #cleanenergy research.

Canada’s Minister of Digital Government, Joyce Murray, says “We’re taking advantage of the strides we’ve made in digital service delivery to examine how we can accelerate climate action.”

AI, #machinelearning (ML), and “the enormous data pools” that governments are amassing are valuable tools for reducing global CO2 emissions.

Opportunities are plenty. Murray says, “There are over 150 environmental applications of AI in agriculture, energy, transport, and water.”

These could save up to 4% of global CO2 emissions by 2030.

One of these applications has found its way into Canada’s national science labs. The country is exploring using AI to produce chemical substances that accelerate clean energy production, such as hydrogen.

Such substances typically take up to 20 years to enter the market. With an issue as pressing as climate change, this is a time the world can’t afford.

ML algorithms can predict optimal conditions for producing these new materials and shorten research timelines.

#canadiangovernment #digitalgovernment #artificialintelligence #greengrowth



How is hyper-converged infrastructure in the public sector empowering a #datadriven world?

The pandemic has required the public sector worldwide and educational institutions to reevaluate their priorities to address new remote workforce requirements, increased cybersecurity risks, highly distributed learning environments, and the need for new contactless public services.

As this pressure falls on public sector CIOs to do more with less, the IT teams must rethink how #data is being managed as their #digitalecosystems expand.

The solution is straightforward: #hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) because it offers speed of implementation, simplicity, efficiency, and reduced cost.

Instead of manually keeping up with disjointed, siloed workload environments, everything from storage to servers to virtualization to networking to data protection should be automated and streamlined.

Advancements made in software-defined HCI over the past two decades have set the stage for making this possible by replacing disjointed hardware with a distributed infrastructure platform powered by software.

HCI has provided a way for CIOs to simplify deployment, scalability, management, and support while reducing operating costs.

Do you agree?



New Executive Order Seeks to Strengthen Security of Federal Government Networks

Cybersecurity is vital for a digital government. The new Executive Order from the White House will strengthen the Security of Federal Government Networks significantly.


This year's Australian federal budget has a big focus on digital workforce and delivering digital services

The #AustralianGovernment is investing $1.2 billion in Australia’s digital future as part of this year’s federal budget.

$200.1 million of this budget will go for enhancing #myGov, to offer effective #onlineservices and support.

Also, $100 million will go to support #digitalskills for Australians. This investment will include a new pilot program for work-based digital cadetships that offer a flexible way for workers to build digital skills, scholarships for emerging technology graduates, and investments in the cyber workforce.

Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, Stuart Robert, said that the Government’s Digital Economic Strategy was an investment in delivering better government services today and securing Australia’s workforce of tomorrow.

#australiangovernment #digitalgovernment #digitaltransformation #digitalskills #onlineservices


How the PLI Scheme for telecom is a key factor for Digital India

The PLI scheme is a new initiative for developing telecom manufacturing in India. The scheme will contribute significantly toward a digital “India” for the near future.

SUNDAY, 23 MAY 2021

Data governance maturing quickly

According to the Information Governance ANZ survey, #Australian organizations are increasingly adopting formal information governance frameworks to maximize data value while minimizing associated risks and costs.

Here are the most important findings that support this statement.

55% of organizations across both public and private sectors now have an information #governance (IG) leader, and more than 40% have a multi-disciplinary IG steering committee.

74% of organizations have at least one IG project in motion or planned across the next 12 months.

36% of organizations are expecting to increase their IG spend.

2021 also saw #government organizations overtake corporates’ confidence in their IG, with 62% of government respondents saying their organization had either advanced or intermediate IG maturity than 49% of corporates.

#datagovernance #informationgovernance #australiangovernment



Ireland Government closes the Digital Hub

The Dublin-based #DigitalHub that has served a valuable role as a launchpad for scaling companies is dissolved.

Other #startupcommunities have overshadowed the Digital Hub, but many still felt it had a role to play.

Despite its role as a campus for scaling digital tech companies, the hub also made a valuable contribution locally with its various inclusive programs aimed at local schools and senior citizens.

But the Department of Communications decided to transfer ownership of the enterprise campus to the Land Development Agency (LDA) for use as social and affordable housing.

What do you think? Is this a good decision?

#digitalhub #irelandgovernment #digitaltechcompanies



More than SR500 million raised through Ehsan platform

The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) reported that more than ($133 million) were donated to the National Campaign for Charitable Work through the Ehsan platform. Digital means a better future.


FRIDAY, 21 MAY 2021

A closer look: what now for the government’s vaccine passport plans?

Nowadays, one of the main responsibilities of a digital government is to provide people with the means to demonstrate their Covid19 status easily. The second one is to guarantee privacy and security.



FRIDAY, 21 MAY 2021

How can digital lean help governments improve their services?

#Digitalgovernment has become a must for any public sector, and the pandemic is solid proof of that.

For the private sector, gone are the days of yearly plans, budgets, and reviews, or drawn-out product and service development cycles.

Nowadays, #agile working features short sprints, where solutions are built and tested in a #Lean fashion in response to customer needs.

Primarily a private-sector attempt, these principles could also usher in a new era of #governmentservice.

Bureaucracy has come to be known for inefficiencies, redundancies, and consequently ineffectiveness.

But Lean could eliminate waste, identify value areas, establish continual improvement mechanisms, build new collaboration and delivery models, and support digitalization.

And most importantly, Lean can identify citizen needs and put them at the heart of all operations. Isn’t that the goal of governments?

Saudi Arabia is proof of Lean methodology success as it has emerged as a pioneer of Lean in government in the Middle East and around the world.

The Kingdom’s Ministry of Justice was more than 70% digitized in 2019, and over a third of Saudi Citizens have Unified Electronic Medical Records.

#digitalgovernment #digitaltransformation



Biden administration drafting an Executive Order to help U.S. Government secure #digitalsupplychain

This executive order will include several initiatives designed to strengthen the security of the United States’ digital supply chain.

Among those will be a new set of #digitalsecurity requirements for companies looking to do business with the federal government.

Anne Neuberger, deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technology at the White House, said in an interview that the federal government procurement sets some criteria for businesses that want to do business with the federal government.

That set of things could include a greater level of #transparency in how developers create their products and proof that developers are using security best practices such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and vulnerability management to harden their software.

Is this necessary in other countries also?

#digitalsupplychain #digitalsecurity #usgovernment


Digital Health Unplugged: Tech and leadership in social care
aturity: How are agencies embracing the modernization journey?

We have witnessed government initiatives focused on generating ideas and pilots within the social care sector. Still, “explicit” investment would be necessary to ensure the adoption and scale of digital technology.


Road to #digitalmaturity: How are agencies embracing the modernization journey?

#Digitaltransformation has stood as a central goal for many countries.

Unfortunately, not all of them have been successful in achieving this goal.

What can help these countries succeed?

A couple of days ago, I happened to read an interview of Chris Radich, vice president of digital strategy at Salesforce, who works directly with government leaders to create transformation plans.

Among many points that I agree with, I want to pinpoint one of them.

“One thing that can help government executives become more comfortable with the idea of digital transformation is developing a #modernizationroadmap.”

Why does this make sense?

A common hurdle governments face when it comes to innovation is the simple fact that agency staff work on too many priorities at once.

A roadmap is a perfect solution. Creating a transformation roadmap, as Radich explains, is one of the most effective ways to address most of the barriers government agencies face in their journey of digital transformations.

#digitaltransformation #transformationroadmap #roadmap #transformationplan



Belarus busy building digital state

Building a digital state is a serious task for the government of Belarus. The country is taking significant initiatives to make the digital government a reality for the citizens.


#Belarús #Digital #Governance

TUESDAY, 18 MAY 2021

The UK Government is investing in a digital-led approach that can save SMEs

In 2019, #latepayments to #SMEs were over £23.4 billion. This figure has increased due to the pandemic to £50 billion.

That’s a massive problem for both the government and SMEs.

That’s why the UK government is committed to solving it.

This year, the UK Government confirmed £800 million in funding for ARIA (Advanced Research & Invention Agency), which will fund research into cutting-edge #ArtificialIntelligence and #data.

This research has tremendous potential to solve big problems in storing, processing, and harnessing data across the Government and industry.

How will this be a solution for the late payments?

AI enables corporations to identify and flag the very few problematic invoices while paying the rest straight away. This technology allows SME suppliers to be paid instantly while large corporations pay on their usual terms.

#sme #latepayments #ukgovernment #artificialintelligence #dataanalysing


TUESDAY, 18 MAY 2021

Fed Govt, Microsoft partner on digital skills

A partnership between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Microsoft Corporation will help five million Nigerians to benefit from a digital upskilling program. A beautiful step toward the future.



MONDAY, 17 MAY 2021

Pan-Australia digital government emerges

#Digitalgovernment is the goal of many countries. And among these countries stands #Australia.

The first Government Services Summit in Australia has highlighted the importance of #digitalservices infrastructure.

The pandemic is one of the factors that push the digital services upfront.

Federal Minister for Employment Stuart Robert, also the minister responsible for digital government, calls for a national approach to #digitalinfrastructure.

That suggests the maturing of this forum into a more formal work program that will be key to ensuring the rollout of a truly pan-Australian set of digital services fuelled by national #datasharing.

#digitalgovernment #digitalgovernmentaustralia #panaustralia #datasharing #digitalservices


SUNDAY, 16 MAY 2021

Government to set up digital, data and technology sub-board

The UK government is making significant steps toward the digital transformation of the whole country. Creating a sub-board for digital, data, and technology within the Civil Service Board is one of those steps.



Privacy in the #digitalage - what do the Courts say?

The right to privacy is one of the most fundamental rights during the digital age we live in.

In a case called Carpenter v. the United States, the #Court stated that governments could not force companies to provide sensitive data about a person, and they need a warrant to do that.

Still, the law does not stop #governments from buying the data from intermediaries.

Advances in #technology have eroded Fourth Amendment protections, and the legal panorama on privacy looks old now.

Rewriting the privacy rules for the age of apps is imperative nowadays.

What are your thoughts on this issue?

#privacyrights #digitalage #theCourt #rewritingtheprivacyrules #ageofapps



How can Government Agencies protect #digitalidentities?

Identity fraud has been a big problem for governments worldwide even before the #pandemic.

And #Covid19 revealed that this is a much bigger problem than we ever thought.

#Government agencies are falling behind private entities in adopting new ways for fighting identity fraud and protecting the citizens.

Private entities such as banks are providing a real example to combat identity fraud. They are implementing “Digital Identity Intelligence”

Governments need to work in the same way as banks and implement #digitalidentity intelligence solutions to protect citizens better.

#digitalidentity #identityfraud #thepandemic #oldways #digitalidentityintelligence




What is the next step for #governments in the Asia Pacific?

The #pandemic and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, 5G, quantum computing, cloud, and robotics have made it clear that governments worldwide should embrace #digitaltransformation.

The next step for governments in the Asia Pacific is to reimagine society and re-envision their role in a post-pandemic world.

There are four main things that these governments should do to make that step a successful one:

Create the foundations for digital-first nations
Close the #digitaldivide
Strengthen the #digitaldefense
Actively drive climate actions for sustainability.

What are your thoughts on this topic?

#governments #AsiaPacific #digitalgovernment #closethedigitaldivide #digitaldefense




Government IT Leaders should accelerate in-house #digitalization and #modernization or outsource it

The year we left behind has been full of lessons for citizens and governments at the same time.

The #pandemic made one thing more evident than ever before for governments:

#Digitaltransformation is not a nice to have but a MUST.

Governments should understand that the possibility to return to the pre-pandemic world is not acceptable anymore.

So, governments should understand the push for modern #digitalgovernment services and achieve that:

through their IT leaders
through the help of a trusted partner with broad experience

Let me know in the comments below if you have another alternative.



#governmentITleaders #thepandemic #ITleaders #digitaltransformation #broadexperience

FRIDAY, 14 MAY 2021

Australian Ministers agree to work on national digital ID data sharing agreement

Working towards a national digital ID system and agreement on data sharing is the new initiative from the Australian government. It is a tremendous step towards digital government improving citizens’ lives.



Investing in digital healthcare

The pandemic emphasized the importance of digital healthcare for our societies. The adoption of technology and investment in digital healthcare is a must in a post-pandemic world.


#digitalhealth #investing


𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗶𝗴𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁

A recent study from Public Technology shows us a lot about the future of #digitalgovernments.

The main thing that the study reveals is that the pandemic boosted the budgets of governments, but legacy tech remains a big challenge for #digitization efforts.

Five other vital things that the study reveals are:

#Remoteworking is pretty much here to stay
The #pandemic has increased employees’ tech skills
#Coronavirus has been a much more significant driver for digital budgets than Brexit
Local and central government face different barriers – but legacy tech is an issue across the board
Standard service may not be resumed for some time

What do you think?

#digitalgovernment #thefuture #techskills #digitalbudgets #legacytech




𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗱𝗶𝗴𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀?

The year we left behind has been one of the most challenging years for #governments worldwide.

Governments tried to accelerate #modernization, pivot resources, and adapt to a new #remoteworkforce reality quickly.

These governments did all of that to support the citizens in a reliable and efficient way.

Now that they are relatively more calmer times, multicloud seems the next move for digital governments.

Its benefits are as below:

optimize costs and performance
reduce downtime
leverage geographically dispersed clouds to meet data sovereignty requirements
avoid vendor lock-in.

#Multicloud can provide IT modernization but requires expertise due to its complexity.

What do you think?

#newfoundation #digitalgovernments #governments #ITmodernization #expertise


Government should do more to protect well-being in the digital world, says report

The pandemic made it clear that technology was a lifeline for our societies during these challenging times. Protecting wellbeing through a new legislative framework becomes imperative for our societies now.



TECHNO-PAYOFF: Govt expecting “revenue bump” from digital platform rollout

The government of Bahamas is expecting a revenue jump due to the Digipay platform that has launched. A digital government that facilitates payments helps its citizens significantly.


#Digital #Governance


𝗘𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗹 𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗔𝗜

We are all aware that Artificial Intelligence will play a more significant role in our lives during this decade.

The EU is well experienced and knows very well that every major technological initiative is like a coin with two sides.

A legal framework proposed by the EU commission will strengthen AI uptake and guarantee the safety and fundamental rights of people and businesses at the same time.

The new “based on trust” approach from the EU to AI aims to strengthen a sustainable, secure, inclusive, human-centric, and trustworthy AI.

#EuropeanUnion #AI #legalframework #basedontrustapproach #guaranteethesafet


New features on government platform expedite search for solutions in going digital

Governments should not only go digital. They should support businesses in their countries to go digital too. Singapore is currently doing that through The Open Innovation Platform.


#Digital #Governance


Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo opens with calls for Digital Equity

The 8th annual Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo opened with a panel discussion around #digitalequity and the need for all communities to increase access to broadband connectivity as they emerge from the Covid-19 crisis.

#Broadbandconnectivity and #digitalequity have been themes and goals echoed among smart city leaders for years, with varying degrees of fulfillment. Still, a new sense of urgency is taking over the conversation.

“The time is now,” said Colman Keane, broadband executive director in Fort Collins, Colo., to his fellow panelists and the smart cities community during one of the opening sessions of the Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo.

Have you attended the Smart Cities Connect Conference & Expo? What would you highlight?

#smartcitiesconference #digitalequity #broadbandconnectivity

TUESDAY, 11 MAY 2021

Australia invests in new projects to improve #digitalconnectivity in rural areas

More than 80 rural communities in Australia will benefit from better digital connectivity. That was announced under the Regional Connectivity Program (RCP).

The $90 million program delivers 81 place-based solutions to digital connectivity issues in the regions. That will be possible through a range of #mobile and #broadbandservices, including a wireless network for the Cootamundra, Gundagai, and Snowy Valleys areas in NSW.

Michael McCormack, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, and Deputy Prime Minister, said that digital connectivity is a core element of the government’s regional development plan.

How do you think this project will impact Australia’s economy?

#digitalgovernment #australia #digitalconnectivity

TUESDAY, 11 MAY 2021

Cybernetica to provide data layer for digital ID and government services to Palestine

The Palestinian government is collaborating with Estonian software company Cybernetica to upgrade its current data exchange layer to a unified exchange platform to deliver better services to citizens.

SUNDAY, 09 MAY 2021

The Indian #government is trying out digital farming in 100 villages

The Agricultural Ministry and Microsoft India have signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to promote digital agriculture in a pilot project in 100 villages of six states.

#Microsoft will start this pilot project to develop a farmer interface for smart and well-organized agriculture, including post-harvest management and distribution.

For this project, Microsoft has tied up with its local partner, CropData. The project will last one year, and both sides that have signed the MoU will bear the cost independently.

Singing the MoU, agriculture minister Narendra Tomar said the agricultural economy is the backbone of the country. “The agriculture sector has contributed positively to our country’s economy even in adverse conditions like coronavirus epidemic. Any loss to agriculture is a loss for the country. That is the reason why the Prime Minister has taken many tasks on a priority basis.”

Have you heard about other #digitalinitiatives in agriculture?

#microsoftindia #smartagriculture #digitalvovernment #indiagovernment

SUNDAY, 09 MAY 2021

Belarusian digital government described as fully operational

The Belarusian government is making significant steps in digital transformation. The Deputy Director of the NCES, Sergei Rudnev, stated that the digital government operates at full capacity.



OECD launches new policy framework to support sustainable economic recovery

Steering economies toward a more sustainable future is imperative for every country. OECD is giving excellent strategies to help countries recover their economies and achieve a sustainable economy in the future.




To get digital services right, the government needs to stay crisis-ready

One of the questions that US Digital Response mostly gets nowadays is: “What should we be doing now to improve our #digitalservice delivery over the next decade?”

The answer they give resonates so well with what I think. “Stay in crisis mode just a little while longer.”

Getting digital service delivery right goes beyond buying the ideal vendors’ ideal checklist or upgrading a system from one language to another.

It is a way of working – one where governments can use #technology to respond to the needs of their community at the speed that they arise.

So, when a government starts planning its digital service investments, it’s best not to give up on the strategies that carried them through 2020 and into 2021.

Do you agree?


Source: Jessica Cole article at StateScoop

#digitalservices #digitalserviceinvestments #digitalgovernment #USdigitalresponse


Vietnam to become hotspot for high-tech investment

By improving its regulations and policies, Vietnam is becoming a hotspot for high-tech investment. The country has clear policies and objectives for achieving a digital economy.


Brazil launches national AI strategy

AI is a fundamental part of our lives. The Brazilian government is taking a significant step by launching a new Artificial Intelligence strategy to promote the ethical use of technology.

#Brazilian #AI

TUESDAY, 04 MAY 2021

Making a case for participating in #digitalsurveys

Thanks to the tremendous increase in #digitalservices and remote work, technology has a whole new value to government leaders.

The Center for Digital Government is amid its surveys and awards for 2021. The survey’s deadline is approaching, but there is still time.

If you ask yourself if you should get more involved in surveys and awards during these challenging times or if they are worth the time and effort. The answers are yes and yes.

We all need chances to celebrate and reward our hard work.

So, should you participate in awards programs and surveys? The Center for Digital Government’s opinion is that you should DO IT.

Surveys and awards give an incredible chance to collect data around the great work you are doing. So, I suggest you participate in these types of surveys.


Source: Teri Takai and Phil Bertolini article at Government Technology

#digitalsurveys #digitalservices #digitalgovernment

TUESDAY, 04 MAY 2021

UAE Government organizes virtual meetings on implementing government services strategy

UAE is an example of digital governance. The UAE government is holding virtual meetings to implement government services strategies in the best way possible.


#UAE #Digital #Governance

SUNDAY, 02 MAY 2021

Time traveller: Israeli IT chief Shahar Bracha on digital’s leap into the future

Time traveller: Israeli IT chief Shahar Bracha on digital’s leap into the future

Covid-19 challenged the healthcare system worldwide but also encouraged many countries to rely more on #digitalsolutions.

The same thing happened with Israel.

The head of the Government #ICTAuthority in Israel, Shahar Bracha, said that the pandemic has supercharged progress on Israel’s #digitalservices. It also cleared the path ahead for radical reforms to create corporate IDs and dismantle legislative obstacles.

“We moved four or five years into the future due to this pandemic,” says Bracha.

Since the lockdown and social distancing rules closed offices and prevented face-to-face service delivery, digital technologies have kept the #publicsector in operation.

That also enabled staff to meet the enormous volume of needs generated by Covid-19.

The pandemic has driven rapid growth both in the private and public sectors in digital services uptake.


Source: @Matt Ross article at Global Government Forum


Would digital pound boost post-Brexit City of London?

CityUnited Project thinks that a #digitalpound must be at the heart of Britain’s efforts to strengthen London’s global attraction as a #financialcenter after Brexit.

CityUnited argued that a digital pound would allow fractions of a currency to be spent and traced without costly overheads to collect and distribute taxes in real-time and spawn more efficient, real-time supervision of markets.

The Bank of England is already considering establishing a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). But, CityUnited Chairman Daniel Hodson said that it ought to be a greater priority as this technology is the future and would bring significant benefits.

What do you think? Is a digital pound the solution for the UK?

Source: @Huw Jones article at Yahoo Finance

#digitalpound #cityunited #bankofengland


Costa Rica advances in the implementation of AI for sustainable forest management.

A Costa Rica project seeks to integrate #Timbetertechnology with the digital solutions that Costa Rica has developed for sustainable #forestmanagement.

The initiative is strengthened thanks to the alliance between Costa Rica and Estonia’s governments.

This technology can be used to:

Measure logs in the field, trucks, sawmill, and containers.
Keep track of wood volumes in the production chain, reports, and inventory using digital data.
Document with images for the custody of the wood.
Prevent occupational accidents and efficiency in operations.

#Deforestation is a grave problem, and I think other governments should look for digital solutions to tackle this problem.


Source: @The Costa Rica News article

#digitalsolutions #forestmanagement #digitaldata


What can governments do to enhance the e-commerce sector in their countries?

The pandemic led to more online sales, increasing #ecommerce share of #globalretailtrade from 14% in 2019 to about 17% in 2020.

These findings are showcased in a new report, Covid-19 and E-Commerce: A Global Review, by UNCTAD and eTrade.

The report states that the trend towards e-commerce uptake seen in 2020 is likely to be sustained during recovery.

But in many of the world’s #leastdeveloped #countries, consumers and businesses haven’t capitalized on e-commerce opportunities due to persistent barriers.

These barriers include costly broadband services, lack of consumers’ trust, overreliance on cash, #governments‘ limited attention to e-commerce, and poor digital skills among the population.

“Countries that harness the potential of e-commerce will be better placed to benefit from global markets for their goods and services in this digitalizing economy. While those that fail to do so risk falling behind even further,” said Shamika N. Sirimanne, UNCTAD’s technology, and logistics director.

So, what can governments do to enhance the e-commerce sector in their countries?

Source: @Shamika N. Sirimanne report at @unctad

#ecommerce #retailtrade #governmentsupport


Should governments allow anonymous digital currency?

The average consumer wants #anonymity for their payments because they are not crooks.

But they also don’t want anonymity for terrorists, lobbyists, or fraudsters.

That’s the payments #privacyparadox, and #cryptocurrency brings it into sharp relief.

How can the circle be squared?

First, it’s essential to see the critical distinction between privacy and anonymity.

Regarding cryptocurrency, anonymity is unconditional. That means it’s impossible to discover the relationship between a person in the real world and online.

Meanwhile, privacy is conditional. That means the link is hidden by a third party (e.g., a bank) and not disclosed unless specific criteria are met.

No one wants anonymous digital currency, whether from the central bank or anyone else. All responsible legislators should demand privacy. Some years ago, when the head of the IMF, @Christine Lagarde, said “Central banks might design digital currency so that users’ identities would be authenticated through customer due diligence procedures and transactions recorded. But identities would not be disclosed to third parties or governments unless required by law,” and I couldn’t agree more.

What do you think?

Source: @David G.W. Birch artice Forbes